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The scene begins..

Sanskar handover some papers to her..
Ragini who read that have tears in her eyes...
Ragini:Sanskar how do you know this? Why did you do this?
Sanskar:Baby doll that's the secret.
Now tell me are you happy with this or not?
Ragini:Are you kidding me? I can't explain how I am feeling right now.
You can't imagine how happy you made me. You are the best.
Thank you so much Sanskar..
She hugged him tightly that made him stumble back slightly but he managed...
Sanskar:Then my doll is happy right.
Ragini:Ofcourse yes..
Now tell me how do you get to know that I want to donate the property to orphanage kids and the house which my mom lived will be mine..
Then atlast you gave 50% share to Laksh.
I don't even tell you anything. How do you knw?
Sanskar:That's the secret..
He whispered in her ears..
She blushed and tried to come out of his grip.. But he never left her..
He comforted their position by encircling her in his arms..
Ragini:Next what will we do?
Do you think Laksh will accept neha? What if he ask her to go out of the house? What if...
Sanskar :Calm down.. Calm down..
Neha will take care of everything. You dont even need to worry about that.. I know about neha and
her skills.. Moreover Laksh need some time to come out of swaras betrayal and I know neha will wait for that..then Laksh should not be left alone, he should not feel the loneliness, he need someone to lean in, to let out his frustration,and most importantly he need to realize that Swara was just his infatuation not his love.
Neha will be there for him..
Sanskar:Yes, i promise that your friend will be happy.. He assured her with the smile.
OK now go and take rest we will go to our home tomorrow.
And you can handle the company from our home.. He said carelessly.
Ragini:When will we go there? Morning or evening? We will go in morning itself.
She is beaming with happiness. Finally she will be back to her home. No more pretending, no more fights.
She will be back to their home.
Next day morning they started their journey towards Mumbai.
As they reached their home they were welcomed with tight hugs and love dripping kisses from their family. Most precisely all was received by Ragini.
Ragsan returned to their room. Sanskar haunched on the bed like a tired hulk.
Ragini like a tidy girl go and took a bath and returned back to their room.
Ragini :get up, go and take a shower.
Sanskar:I am exhausted doll, I can't even get up. Let me sleep please.. He is lying on his stomach and muttering all those things with drowsy eyes.
Ragini : Driver ji has driven the car right. Please let me know what makes you exhausted(sarcasm)
she poked her fingertips on his back.

He turned and caught her waist with a tuck that made her to fall on him and he just rolled them like Ragini was beneath him.
Ragini :What are you doing?
She is bewildered with his sudden stunt.
He kept his face on her crook and just nuzzled there.
Ragini :Sanskar..
Sanskar:Let me sleep doll. He just hummed.
Ragini :only If you tell me what makes you that much exhausted my husband. She is just curious to know him right now.
Sanskar now changed their position that now she was on top of him.
Ragini :tell me.. She poked his cheek
Didn't his baby doll become brave?
Sanskar :you won't let me sleep until I answer you right.
She just nodded in response.
Sanskar:Dont you think your husband needs some rest after all the things that happened there. It's me na who did all those planning there and here you are not letting me to rest for a while.this is unfair.
He pouted ever so cutely thus making her to giggle at his antics.
Sanskar :you are so mean. He pouted once again.
Ragini :is that so? Am I really mean?
Ragini pecked his cheeks one by one
He smiled in response.
Ragini :now
Sanskar :mmm a little bit.he played along with her.
Ragini then raised her eyebrows.
She kissed his forehead thus pouring the unsaid feelings of her.
She is so happy today. Its like her every problem got solved. She didn't even imagined that those dreams of her will fulfill a day
She can't even thank him enough. He is there for her in her every step.
Though he says that he is doing all those for nelak deep down she knows that these actions are for her only. That day when he promised to punish her so called parents for their actions she felt comforted that there is someone who would took a stand for her. When he hand overed her company to her in the form of partnership she knew that he wants her to rule her company and became independent. He is there for her to teach her every little thing in the office. Because of him her dream of having the family got fulfilled. They loved her so much. But there is that feeling that nagged her is that whether he loves her? Or is it because of sympathy towards her.
Do you love him? Please confess it. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
But one thing that she is sure that this man laying with her is the soul reason for her smile, happiness and unknowingly he became her reason to live. She then hugged him with such intensity that represents she is happy, she is comforted, she is feeling happiness, and there arise a fear whether he will leave her. That though itself made her to hug him thus pulling him towards her though there is no space is left between them.
Sanskar in return reciprocated the hug thinking that atlast everything is settled in its place.
He could understand her feelings by her gesture. Her eyes spoke million of unspoken words that could be understand by him alone.
Isn't that makes you feel like in heaven, when your feelings were understand by the one for whom you are feeling?

My baby doll is all mine now..
Obesession or love? 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔

He thought like this and finally dozzed off with her thus embracing her in a home.

Days rolled on.. Its been a month since they returned from raginis home.nelaks relation was not less than a Tom and jerry fight. Laksh started enjoying her company a lot, but never dared to voice it out. She like a good girl loved him the most, pampered him, irritated him, beared his sleeping schedules, she is always there for him for his every little things. One is already in love. So that it won't be much harder to stir the Love feeling in others heart.. Let's just cross the finger for this love birds..

But here in our protagonist life, their action speaks immense love but do they realize their love?
Ragini and Sanskar was enjoying their life with a flow. Both are managing their business with their expert skills. They become the apple of their family's eyes. Ragini is pampered by everyone while Sanskar is pampered by ragu.
He want all her attention while they were together whether it is in home or in his office whenever she came there as Mrs. Maheswari.
Everything is going fine when all of a sudden Swara came to meet Ragini.

Evil bitch...

Swara :Hi Ragini.
Ragini :Hello, sorry, I got to go. She faked the excuse.
She thought not to begin the convo with her. She knew she is here to create some problem in their life.
Swara:I know you are not interested to talk with me. But I am here to apologise. I am really sorry for everything that happened in your life because of me.please forgive me.
Though Ragini didn't believed her sugar coated untrustworthy words, the good side told her to forgive her and close that chapter.
Ragini :I won't say, it's OK to you. But I try to forgive you. Just please stay out of our lives.
Swara:I will. But as a friend, I want Sanskar to be happy.
Ragini :What do you mean?
Swara :I know why are you guys married. He does every single thing for your happiness. But what have you done for him? I don't want to sound rude, but think like this he deserves to be happy na. He wants someone to take care of him. He done everything for you because he considered you as his friend. But what have you done.? You just enjoyed being a daughter in law of maheswari. Do you deserve it? You guys just are fooling those innocent people. How many days will you gonna fool them? Don't you think they will be left as a fool thinking that their son and daughter in law are living as a couple happily
If you guys love eo, then there will be no problem. But you guys are not. He won't ask you to leave him.Dont
you think he wants to fall in love with someone and being happily married. Don't he deserve it Ragini.?
She manipulated her in such a way that raginis eyes were flowing continuously..
She left there immediately leaving a victorious smirk to appear on that bitch..

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