Where Is My Mind?

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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(D/n) = Dad's Name
(N/m) = Name Meaning
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/s/a) = Favorite Stuffed Animal
(S/a/n) = Stuffed Animal's Name ^^
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(C/n) = Cousins Name
(B/m) = Birth Month
(B/d) = Birth Day
(I/n) = Insulting name

Your POV
We were at our lockers when Toby walked up to us.

"I can't feel my arms." He whined.

"First day of training can do that, but you are the one who wanted the war hammer." Jim said as he pushed Toby away so he could get to his locker. I didn't need to get anything else out of mine so I stood by and watched.

"Hey, hey. Next time a magic troll assassin pinches your sword, you'll be happy ol' Warhammer and Miss Shapeshifting Shadowdancer have your back."

"Shapeshifting Shadowdancer?" Jim asked as he looked at me.

I shrugged. "Toby wanted to call me that so I let him. And plus, it sounds kinda cool." I said.

"Well, Tobes, rest up. We can at least feel safe in school, knowing Angor Roy won't attack us in broad daylight. See you, (Y/n)." Jim said as they went into the shower room.

"Bye!" I waved as I went to Art.

Small time skip
After art I met up with Jim. We were walking down the hall when Steve suddenly came running.

"You're not Steve! I'm Steve! I'm Steve! I'm Steve!" He yelled to Jim, Coach, and I, then ran away.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"SAT season. I'll tell you, one kid snaps like a snow pea every spring." Coach said as he walked away. I was about to go into Spanish when my ear tickled. I rubbed at it then opened the door to see no one there.

"Uh..." I said as I looked around. I closed the door and looked back out into the halls to see all the kids gone.

"What...the heck." I ran down the halls looking for Jim and Toby, but no one was here. I ran around the school, finally stopping at a dead end corner. I turned the corner to see Aaarrrgghh standing in the dark, his back facing me.

"Aaarrrgghh?" I asked. He slowly turned around and I could see that his markings were glowing. He fully turned around and I could only see the markings and his eyes glowing green in the darkness surrounding him. He deeply growled as he slowly stepped forward into the light. I gasped as I saw him. His fur was now black, and his skin was dark grey. His teeth were sharper than before and his horns had grown and also had pointy edges. He had pointy black nails and his eyes were pitch black. Suddenly, his green markings and his eyes turned a dark blood red.

'This can't be real.' I thought. He roared and lunged at me. I screamed and jumped out of the way. I started running away from him as I heard him bang into the lockers and hit the lights, making them turn off.

"Aaarrrgghh! What has gotten into you?! I thought you were in Trollmarket! Did you get into a potion or something?! Why are you on a rampage?!" I asked, but I gained no response, besides a roar. I turned a corner and transformed into my dragon form. I sped up as I ran on all-fours.

"Aaarrrgghh, what is wrong with you?!" I yelled as tears brimmed in my eyes. I blinked and they ran down my cheeks as I turned to my right, around another corner. I spotted some doors at the end of the hall and thought of a plan. In that short moment, I unfortunately slowed down. I felt a stone hand grab me around my stomach and lift me up as I turned back to human. It turned me around and I came face-to-face with Aaarrrgghh. He was even more terrifying up close. I let out a lot of tears and a scream as he roared in my face. Even his roars got terrifying. He suddenly threw my and I flew down the hall. I crashed into the ground and rolled a bit. I got up on my elbows and my right shoulder was killing me as I stood up and held it. I limped to the doors and pushed in them but they didn't budge. I panicked and kept trying to open the door, but no avail. I turned around to see Aaarrrgghh running up to me. I curled into a ball as I sat down, now sobbing.

"Aaarrrgghh, please tell me what's wrong! I want to help you!" He came up to me and roared. He grabbed my arms and started shaking me back and forth.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" He said.

"Wake up?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, (Y/n). But it has to be done." He said.

"When did you speak in full sentences?" I asked as I saw him raise his right hand.

'Oh, my god. He's going to hit me!' I thought as flashbacks of my dad coming towards me with the beer bottle flashed in my mind. My eyes widened and more tears spilled out as I closed them and got ready for the hit. A small hand slapped my face and I opened my eyes in confusion.

"Toby? What's going on?" I asked as I got up, still holding my arm. "Not now, but quick question: why did you use your magic to throw yourself across the hall? What did you see?" He asked me.

'So it wasn't real. Aaarrrgghh wasn't corrupted.' I thought.

"I-Uh, that's a long story for another time." I mumbled as I wiped the tears from my face.

"Okay, well, stick these up your nose and follow me." He said as he gave me some cotton wads. I did as so and followed him. We ran out the door and ran around to the front of the school. We entered and saw Jim in the gymnasium.

"There! There's Jim!" Toby said as we ran closer. Suddenly Angor Roy closed the gym doors and we couldn't get in. Finally, the doors unlocked and we ran in to see Jim laying unconscious on the floor. We took out the cotton wads from our nose, and ran up to Jim.

"Jim!" Toby yelled. Jim woke up and his armor came off.

"You're alive!" I said as I hugged him.

"We really thought we lost you!" Toby said as he pulled us into a hug. We went out of the school as the police showed up. We talked for a bit and Blinky came running up to us.

"By Deya's grace! You're alive! Master Jim, I had to run the entire way, with a lavatory stop or two." Blinky said as his stomach growled and we cringed.

"Your automobiles are the most obstinate machines. How did you survive Angor Rot?" He asked.

"Long story." Jim said as we turned around to see Strickler talking to a police officer.

"Have you heard of the Inferna Copula?" Jim asked.

"Indeed, I have." Blinky answered.

Hope you like it!

Word count: 1247

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