Hero With A Thousand Faces

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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(D/n) = Dad's Name
(N/m) = Name Meaning
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/s/a) = Favorite Stuffed Animal
(S/a/n) = Stuffed Animal's Name ^^
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(C/n) = Cousins Name
(B/m) = Birth Month
(B/d) = Birth Day
(I/n) = Insulting name
(F/b) = Favorite Band (or artist)
(F/s) = Favorite Song
(A/n) = Aunt's Name
(U/n) = Uncle's Name

3rd POV
"You have unlocked the night of the Triumbric Stones. This proves you are ready to begin the next level of training, mastering the powers of our rarest elements. Say the incantation." Vendel said.

"For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight-"

"No, the other one." Vendel interrupted Jim.

"For the Doom of Gunmar, Eclipse is mine to command." Jim said as three red lights went into his chest. He levitated off the ground as the armor summoned and went to their rightful body parts.

"Marvelous. The legend made real. Merlin's amulet is a relic of unfathomable power. It is said, when he forged it, he made it malleable so that each TrollHunter may combat darkness that even its creator could not foresee." Vendel stated.

"So, new stones, new power. What else can it do?" Jim asked.

"Blinkous." Vendel said. Blinky set the Kairosect on its head as spikes held it up.

"Your "periodic table" is amusing." Vendel said. He put a stone in the plate of the Kairosect and it lit up the patterns on the ground with a golden hue. A periodic table formed in the air in front of Jim.

"Uncovering but a few elements. But in truth, there are more than you can ever imagine." Vendel said as he pushed the periodic table. It lit up and made a sphere shape around them all with different and combined elements.

"We have, in our possession, a few remaining stones that TrollHunters past have used to unlock their potential." Vendel said as Aaarrrgghh came over and opened a box, revealing many, small, different stones.

"Stones that will grant you swiftness, a glimpse into you enemy's mind, even the power to walk in daylight." Vendel said as Jim took his armor off.

"Um, I think I'm good with that one." Jim said.

"Shall we see how good you are with the rest?" Vendel asked as he picked up a yellow stone and gave it to Jim. The back of the amulet opened and Jim put the stone in an empty slot. His amulet started glowing yellow and he put the armor back on.

Small time skip
Jim was walking up a blade, against gravity's wishes, trying not to fall off.

"This stone was used by Araknak the Agile. There was no obstacle he could not traverse." Vendel stated.

"Just make sure you keep your focus." Blinky said but Jim didn't hear him as he ran up the plank that was connected to the sharp blades.

"What? What's you say, Blink?" Jim asked and he fell to the floor.

"Hmm. Perhaps another?" Blinky asked as he opened the box. Aaarrrgghh picked up a boulder and was ready to hand it to Jim.

"The Aspectus Stone. Legends of old claim it granted Maddrux the Many the power to summon the strength of a thousand."

"Okay, come on, super strength. I'm ready." Jim said and Aaarrrgghh set the boulder on Jim's hands. He immediately leaned back and started to fall over. He did fall, and the rock landed on him, so Aaarrrgghh went up to him and lifted the boulder off of Jim. He then took Jim's arm and held him up to see if he was okay.

"Wow, thanks." PT 2Where stories live. Discover now