Killahead, Part One

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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = Hair Length
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(B/n) = Boy name

(Y/n) 2
"Your wound is festering with dark magic." Vendel said as he clamped the tongs together. Jim backed up, still on the table.

"I-I don't know if that's necessary." He said nervously.

"Oh, it's no trouble at all. You're lucky to be alive. I've always wanted to use these." Vendel turned around and Callista held Jim down on the table.

"Here, bite down on this." She put a chicken bone, I believe, in his mouth and he bared his teeth as Vendel was about to pull out the shard. A portal suddenly opened behind Vendel and my human half, along with others, walked through.

"Hey, that's my firmed you're operating on!" She said.

"Oh! Humans! Sound the alarm!" Vendel yelled as Arthur walked through.

"Hold! Please, Vendel of Dwoza. I humble myself before you. Camelot needs your help." Arthur took a knee.

Time skip
"Gunmar the Black's swarm of Gumm-Gumms are ready to strike. The monsters seek vengeance on both our kind." Arthur said.

"And after all you've done, you expect us Trolls to fight this war for you?" Vendel asked as he hit Arthur's armor with his pointer finger.

"No, not for me; with me, as equals." Arthur rephrased.

"Glorious me!" Vendel rolled his eyes.

"I vow, if we win this war, we shall live in peace." Arthur said as Callista threw a rock at a knight.

"Gumm-Gumms are terrifying warriors while we are but humble gravel miners. How do you expect us to defeat Gunmar?" Vendel asked.

"We will give you a secret weapon." Arthur said. We tried to get closer, but a knight pushed us back, so we walked away.

"You really think they can work this out?" Jim asked as Jim and I turned to my human half and Douxie.

"They have to, or everyone in Camelot and Dwoza are doomed." Douxie answered.

"Then so is saving history. Great." My other half rolled her eyes.

"I assure you, all will be fine once I've completed my amulet. So, this is the once and future TrollHunter I've heard of. May I have a word, alone?" Merlin asked as he came up to us.

"Um, sure. Be right back." Jim said as they walked away. My other half and I looked at Douxie and he shrugged.

Time skip
"Hey, is everything okay?" "What are you talking about?" Both me's asked as we walked up to Jim and Merlin.

"Oh, um.... nothing. Just Merlin prepping me for the trip home." Jim answered.

"Wait, wait, wait, you finally finished the Heart of Avalon? It's working?" Douxie asked.

"Indeed. But first, we must survive the battle to come." Merlin answered.

"Wizard." We turned around to see Arthur and Vendel walking up to us. "We've reached an agreement. Now you must convince the crowd." Arthur said.

Small time skip
"Trolls of Dwoza, hear us now!" Vendel shouted.

"As we speak, death comes for us all. But we bring an offer of hope." Arthur said as Douxie walked in front of us.

"Wow, thanks." PT 2Where stories live. Discover now