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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(D/n) = Dad's Name
(M/n) = Mom's Name
(M/h/c) = Mom's Hair Color
(N/m) = Name Meaning
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(M/e/c) = Mom's Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(M/h/c) = Mom's Hair Color
(M/f/c) = Mom's Favorite Color
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/s/a) = Favorite Stuffed Animal
(S/a/n) = Stuffed Animal's Name ^^
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(C/n) = Cousins Name
(B/m) = Birth Month
(B/d) = Birth Day
(I/n) = Insulting name
(F/b) = Favorite Band (or artist)
(F/s) = Favorite Song
(A/n) = Aunt's Name
(U/n) = Uncle's Name

Your POV (Y/n) 1
"When she awakens, splash the poison." I heard a foggy voice say. It sounded like.... Usurna! My eyes flew open and looked around me. Aaarrrgghh was being guarded by other Krubera trolls and Blinky was tied to a tree. I moved my hand and I realized I was chained.

"Stop struggling. Now." Two Krubera trolls took the caps off of some bottles and splashed the liquid on my arms and legs. I hissed as it burned then screamed as it entered through my skin and into my blood stream. I struggled as my eyes kept trying to glow white. I finally let them and I looked up as my hair flew around me.

"Now!" Two spears were thrown at me but I took a breath of fire and disintegrated them into ash. I strained my (d/h) arm and a boulder came out, attached to the metal chain. The boulder landed in front of Usurna, but she jumped back. I jerked my arm to the side and the boulder went flying into a Krubera, sending it flying, also breaking the boulder. I used the chain around my arm as a fan and made the black goop come out and land on the ground. The trolls jumped back, not wanting to be burned by it. I made my hand a fist and made the goop go back to there it was. I twisted my legs and broke the chains around my feet. I kicked my feet in the air, making a gust of wind that send me back. I used fire to propel myself forward. I broke the chain around my (o/d/h) hand and landed on the ground in front of the trolls. I brought my hands up, bringing four chunks of earth up too. I moved my hands around my head to give them momentum, then put my arms straight out, sending the boulders flying. Usurna jumped out of the way again, as well as the other trolls that were about to be smashed. My body hurt and I breathed out fire as I yelled in pain from the poison. I sent fire at the Usurna but she avoided it, and ran the other way, pretty quickly. I stood on my toes and made fire boosters on the bottom of my feet and flew after her. I sent chunks of earth at her but she avoided them. She turned around and looked at me and I saw she was wearing a stone on her neck. Probably one from the box of stones that the TrollHunters used. I jumped at her and grabbed her. She grabbed my waist and flipped me over, sending me flying into the woods that lived underground. She suddenly started flying and so I used my fire to follow her.

"You don't care for the Krubera! Only yourself!" I yelled in a disorderly voice. It sounded like 10 voices combined.

"You fool! I am the Krubera! I couldn't care less about what happens to those mangy mutts!" Usurna yelled as she flew around some trees. I grabbed a boulder and flung it to her. It hit her and she fell, so I followed her. I stood in the goop as I aimed it at her. She got up and started flying again, avoiding the black water that was coming at her. I flew after her and was about to reach her when my fire stopped and I fell a bit. I ended up falling and crashing into the ground. Usurna came up behind me and I turned around. I tried to use my fire breath, but my eyes flickered and I fell to the ground.

"You cannot fight me and the poison." She said and I got up. She flew past me, and the air momentum knocked me back. She flew back again, and knocked me around.

"Wow, thanks." PT 2Where stories live. Discover now