For the Glory of Merlin

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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(D/n) = Dad's Name
(M/n) = Mom's Name
(M/h/c) = Mom's Hair Color
(N/m) = Name Meaning
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(M/e/c) = Mom's Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(M/h/c) = Mom's Hair Color
(M/f/c) = Mom's Favorite Color
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/s/a) = Favorite Stuffed Animal
(S/a/n) = Stuffed Animal's Name ^^
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(C/n) = Cousins Name
(B/m) = Birth Month
(B/d) = Birth Day
(I/n) = Insulting name
(F/b) = Favorite Band (or artist)
(F/s) = Favorite Song
(A/n) = Aunt's Name
(U/n) = Uncle's Name

Your POV
Aaarrrgghh tried moving the boulder again, but he let it fall, as it was too heavy.

"Too big." He rammed into it, but it did nothing.

"It's okay, buddy. You tried." I said worriedly as Blinky pushed past me.

"It's hardly okay. We're on the distinctly wrong side of the cavern's collapse. Merlin's tomb will now apparently become our own." Blinky said as we hid under Aaarrrgghh again. We looked up when the crystals stopped falling, and I saw a cave.

"Or we could just go that way. There's an opening." I said as I pointed to it.

"Thus affording us the opportunity to be trapped somewhere else!" Blinky shouted into the cave.

"Or it's a way out, huh? You gotta think positive!" Toby said as we started walking through it.

"I'm not entirely sure I know how." Blinky said as Aaarrrgghh squeezed into the hole. I turned around to see Jim still standing there.

"We can't leave him behind like this."

"Draal would want us to keep going. And trust me, if I could use a portal to bring him with us, I would." I said as I started walking, with him behind me.

"Um, this isn't taking us out." Toby said as Aaarrrgghh helped us over.

"we need to find a way to go up." Jim said.

"Hmm. Right. Yeah, look for some stairs. Or better yet, an elevator." Toby said sarcastically. Aaarrrgghh ran into a crystal while paying attention to Toby and shook his head as he went under it.

"You okay?" I chucked and he smiled at me and nodded. We came to another small room and went towards the light down another hall. We went into a room and saw Merlin laying on a crystal bed.

"Great Globus, it's him." Blinky said.

"Is it really?" I asked.

"Must be." Aaarrrgghh answered, breath-taken.

"Merlin." Jim whispered. Jim's amulet started glowing so he walked up to the man covered in webs. Three lights came out of the amulet and went into Merlin's eyes and mouth. Jim leaned down and suddenly Merlin's eyes popped open. He sat up and gasped as the rest of us screamed at the sudden jump scare. Merlin coughed as he tried to get the webs out of his mouth. He laid back down and looked at Jim.

"Are you the TrollHunter?" He asked as he leaned up a bit.

"Um, uh.."

"I thought you'd be taller."


"Yes, I expected much taller. And older. How old are you? Ten?" He asked as he sat up and wiped the dust from his armor.

"Uh, sixteen." Jim answered.

"I guess I was only off by, mmm... Six plus four, carry the one...fourteen years." He said and I face palmed.

"Wow, thanks." PT 2Where stories live. Discover now