Witch Hunt

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Bold = Authors Note
Italic = Thoughts
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(N/n) = Nick Name
(D/h) = Dominant hand
(O/d/h) = Opposite of Dominant Hand
(E/c) = Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/f) = Favorite food
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit

Your POV
"Your sister, as requested, my lord."

"Why have I been summoned?"

"The beasts in the dungeon have escaped, aided by shadow magic. Curious coincidence, hmm?" King asked.

"I was in my quarters all night, being a good little indentured sorceress." Morgana said as she bowed, and the king walked up to his throne.

"The creatures were seen fleeing into the Wild Woods. You will help take them down."

"What? Why?"

"Consider it a test of loyalty. Bring me their heads or yours will be on the chopping block next." I gasped.

Time skip
"Their hunting Jim! If they catch him, he'll be killed!" I whispered to Douxie. We were hiding in a horse stall.

"I know, and he's not the only one. Because of us, Arthur's now fated to eat the big one, too!" Douxie said.

"Eat the what? Oh, no, was I supposed to bring food?" Steve asked as he came in.

"He'll be eating a death sandwich, Steve." Douxie said.

"Ugh, who would eat that? Gross." Douxie rolled his eyes.

"Look. If Arthur dies, we lose the Battle of Killahead and the war." He said as he brought out the Time Map.

"Which will probably mess up time so much, you'll never be able to return home." Archie said as Douxie turned the map to reveal a picture of Toby dissolving.

"Oh, no! Toby! What's happening to him?" I asked.

"The future- our future is vanishing!" Douxie asked as he spun the line again.

"What's that?" I asked as a picture of Morgana and Arthur appeared.

"Well- Well, that wasn't there before. It's a new timeline, one where Arthur and Jim live." Douxie answered.

"And Morgana's the hero? I thought she was destined to become Mistress Doom." I said.

"It looks like there's a possibility, if we get Arthur and Morgana to reconcile, then, somehow, nobody dies." Douxie said as we came out of the stall.

"Squire Steve! We are all thirsty!" Galahad shouted.

"I'll keep an eye on Morgana. Douxie, you work on Arthur. And, Steve, make sure they don't kill my best friend." I said and we ran our separate ways.

Time skip (Y/n) 2
Jim and I and the other trolls were running through the woods and I hear Jim pant so I turn around and see him crouched over on the ground. I go over to him and put a now stone-hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, Jim, we need to go." I help him stand up and he looks around.

"Woah." I grab his hand and lead him to the others.

"Yes! We made it to the border!" Callista (thanks for telling me Jim) said as we ran to the front with her. Jim and I gasped and looked at each other before looking back at the border.

"That's Killahead." Jim gawked as we walked over it.

"Yeah, yeah. Big, scary name for a puny, little bridge. River's been dry for years. At this point, it's a bridge over nothing." Callista said as she continued.

"Wow, thanks." PT 2Where stories live. Discover now