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Greyson above (ps he doesn't have the tattoos in the story yet.)

NOTE: this story is completed
Started July 25 2020- Completed October 11th 2020
Greyson's POV

"Greyson pack your things we're moving" my dad said as he entered my room

"But dad" I stammer at his abruptness

"No buts Greyson unless it's your ass in the limo. Pack your things now. I thought I taught you to be better then that useless slut of a mother you have or do I have to remind you." He said with an angry tone.

"No sir you don't. I'm sorry I'll go pack."

"That's what I thought." He says calmer. With that he leaves my room and I take out three large suitcases. I take the first two large suitcases and pack all my clothes. I use the second for my keepsakes and personal items. I make sure to hide the picture of me and mom from when I was little under a lot of stuff so dad doesn't see it. He'll flip if he does.

After I'm done packing I take a duffle bag and put all my toiletries into it. I also make sure to pack anything of value and hide it. If it isn't of my fathers values it's wrong. If he doesn't like you your wrong and if he doesn't agree with you or vice versa your wrong.

With that being said I take all my stuff down to the moving truck. One of the men driving the truck offers to put them into the truck bed.

"Thank you." I say politely as they take my things and carefully put it into the moving truck.

"Don't say thank you to the help. There here because they need the money have I taught you nothing" my dad just shakes his head in disbelief.

I don't agree with the way my dad treats people but I have to go along with it to make sure my ass is not grass. Wouldn't be the first time and being that my dad is a political figure he can get away with it.

It's been a month since my dad has had to "teach me a lesson". Aka beating me. He's one of the reasons I'm so quiet. And also why I have anxiety.

That's besides the point.

I'm afraid of what might happen and where we're moving. All I know is we're moving from our penthouse to a new place in the city.

"Get in the limo" I hear dad say. I take one last look. One last look at where I grew up. Where my screams were heard by silent ears when I did something wrong in my fathers eyes. Where my mom killed herself. I'm afraid of the unknown and what exactly will happen. Yet I have no control of what happens. It's a depressing thought that I'm quickly snapped out of.

"Grayson god damn it didn't you hear me. Get you god damn worthless ass in the limo now. You're towin the line boy." He growled out dragging me into the limo by my ear and my whimpers being ignored.

It took almost an hour and a half to get to the mansion my father had bought near the outskirts of the city where the rich and famous lived that overlooked the water.

"Get your things Greyson and hurry." My dad says still holding a grudge from earlier.

"Yes sir" the words were barley audible.

"Speak up boy" my dad yelled.

"Yes sir" I said a bit louder. He let out a low grunt signifying as a whatever. I go to grab my suitcases and duffel bag when my dad grabs my arm and yanks me to him.

"One more slip up boy and we're gonna have a problem. Oh and I know you'll be slipping  up because sadly you take after your useless waste of space mother. So I've made a room in the basement for you" he says with a sneer.

"Yes sir" I say loud enough to please him and scurry off and go to find out where dads room is so I can stay as far from it as possible.

Finding the room that was farthest from his I take my suit cases and put them in the closet and start unpacking them into the walk-in closet. 

I put the picture of me and mom under my pillow and hide her gold heart locket with some of my other things.

It's been almost three hours now and I go out onto my balcony.

I take my first breath of relief in a while and just lean up against the railing breathing in and out knowing that this is the only freedom in my life.  But it's not ask bad as it seems. I'm sure others must have it worse. That's one of the things my mother instilled in from an early age.

Just as I turn to go back inside I see a figure ride up to a far away building but it's still close enough to see  silhouettes.

The silhouette takes off their helmet and long hair flows to their back. Looking at the figure I see a feminine body shape and long hair. What's a girl doing in a abandoned looking building at this time of the night. 

Ignoring that thought I walk back inside and prepare my things for school tomorrow. My goal now is to stay as invisible as possible.

Changing into my pajamas and collecting everything I put it into my back pack and set it by my door. Tomorrow is another day.

With that I sigh and flop into bed. I'm sure others have it worse so why complain.

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