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The house Greyson just moved to above
Graysons POV

Waking up this morning I wasn't ready to go to school let along be awake. I've always had problems getting up early let alone staying awake.

I get changed into a black tee shirt and black ripped jeans and all black converse along with a black beanie. Usually for me at least if I wear all black I'm less noticeable.

I grab my backpack on my way out of my room and sling it on one shoulder and grab an apple from a bowel on the table.

"Please try to not fuck up my reputation Greyson. Important people's children attend this school and I don't want you to tarnish my reputation. Am I understood." He said harshly.

"Yes sir." With that I walk out the door.

Dad made me take our personal driver so it but I said I'd walk

"but how would it look if ...blah blah blah ...his reputation" but I'd never say that to his face.

I wish mom was here. I wish she was here. I wish I had love I once had. All dad cares about is his reputation and forgets I'm his son. Someone he's supposed to love.

"Good morning sir" Evan our personal driver says nicely

"Morning Evan. Thanks again for driving me. I told you I'd walk even if you just drive so my father doesn't know. I really appreciate this." Evan smiles a genuine smile.

"You sound just like your mother sir. It's my pleasure. And thank you for your kindness when your father tells you well you know." I smile and get into the back of the car.

School was about fifteen minutes away from the house but I had still managed to arrive there late.

"Please stay out of trouble Greyson. I don't want anything to happen to you" Evan says with a concerned tone.

"I will" I say with a smile "thanks Evan." With that I walk in and go straight into the main office that was by the front entrance.

As I walk in the secretary snaps her head up to me. She's a short old woman sitting there. As we make eye contact she smiles.

"Hi honey how can I help you this morning." She asks.

"I'm...um...new. Greyson Santiago" I say awkwardly looking at nothing in particular.

"Ok honey I'll print your schedule for you now. No need to be shy I don't bite." She day and I look up at her. She's still smiling a genuine smile.

"Alright here you are your first class is actually down the hall from here. Just go make a right and down that hall and two doors down is your class. Have a nice day and if you need anything at all honey my door is always open"

I smile. "Thank you"

"Of course."

With that I follow her directions and find the class and knock on the door.

The teacher comes to the door and opens it.

"You're late". He mutters rudely

"I'm sorry sir I'm new. I-I'm Greyson Santiago" I say quieter then I would've because he was angry.

"Alright then come on Greyson take a seat." He says with a slightly nicer tone

Out of habit I mutter a quiet yes sir.

He then continues with the lesson like nothing had happened.

He was talking about something I had already learned at my old school so I take out my sketch book out and start to draw my whatever comes to mind.

I finish my sketch when the teacher asks me a question. My anxiety gets the best of me and I freeze up.

"I asked you a question Greyson but I guess you weren't listening your not here to waist my time nor your classmates." He said rudely

"I-I" I said while stuttering.

"Yes you-you have detention later today after school I'll see to it you're there" he snapped making fun of me. As soon as tears start to well in my eyes knowing my father is going to kill me the door swings open with such a force it actually put a dent in the wall.

"Well nice of you to join us girls. Miss Ricci Miss Moretti and the other Ricci girls please take your seats or you could join Greyson here in detention." The teacher snapped.

The girl in front just rolled her eyes and looked at me her eyes softening a little bit when she saw the tears in my eyes no one else saw. I quickly wiped them and looked away.

She then took the teachers drink and splashed it all over him staining his shirt.

"Guess I'll see you in detention then" she said with a smirk and gave me a wink and she walked out the door with the other girls following close behind.

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