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Graysons POV

As I sit here while Cora was attending to me which I told her was completely unnecessary. She went to my side again and I took a sharp inhale before she made contact. Cora stopped and looked at me.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything" she said with a soft chuckle.

She touched my side again and softly traced some of the old bruises that were barley visible. My dad always makes sure my bruises are out of site so I don't "tarnish his image" but others must have it worse I'm sure. My beatings are not an everyday occurrence but it's close to it. It's been a blissful month with out one.

"Come on let's get some food. Here" she tossed my shirt back. I quickly caught it and slid it back on. She took my hand and lead me back down the stairs and to the back kitchen.

I wonder how long we've been here.

"Hi Nona" she says to an old Italian looking lady once we enter the kitchen.

"Hello my dear why are you not in school" she said in a sweet motherly tone. She then looked to me. I blush since were still holding hands. I go to move my hand but Cora tightens her grasp slightly.

"And who is this" she said keeping her sweet smile.

"This is Greyson Santiago" she answers for me.

"Ahh so you're the son of that lawyer that just moved here" she said

"No my dad is actually a politician ma'am" I say while Cora looks to me and smiles.

"Oh I see. Well it's best to keep to yourself in this part of the city. Be sure to tell him that but it looks like you'll be fine."

"I will" I will not. Telling him what to do is a recipe for disaster.

I look at my phone it's almost two we've missed so many classes. I'm doomed.

"Nona we have to head back I'll see you at home." She said and kisses the elderly woman on the cheek.

We got back into her car and made it in time for the last five minutes of our last class. I'm fucked.

The bell rung as we got to the classroom signaling that school was over.

"I'll see you in detention" she leaned up to my six foot frame and kissed my cheek. Then left. I walked to my locker and put my books away. Then it was off the auditorium for detention. I walked in and took a seat.

Detention wasn't as bad as getting home will be but it was going smoothly so far.

There was a kid sitting behind me that was at the lunch table. He was leaned back his feet on the back of my chair and his hands behind his head.

Suddenly I couldn't feel his feet on my chair anymore and hear shuffling. I jumped when I heard him whisper right next to my "You alright kid."

"F-fine" I stammer. I wasn't expecting that.

"Here" he said passing me a folded up paper

"You ok you look tense." He said.

"Because you scared me half to death" I whisper back
I take the note and open it

"Wanna come over to my place later?. Oh and hope my brother didn't scare ya to bad. Your reaction was cute.

I took out a sticky not and wrote the words "I can't." Because I couldn't.

"I'm Cora's brother if you haven't figured that out yet" he said giving me a mischievous smile.

"No talking" the teacher yelled. He's probably just grumpy because he has to stay an extra hour and a half.

"I know right, people are just so rude" Cora's brother I still don't know the name of said.

"Mr. Ricci I am advising you to stop."

"And I'm advising you to shut the fuck up" he challenged

"Cole nock it off , don't be a dick ,and just shut up." I heard Cora yell from the back of the room. He huffed and crossed his arms like a child.

Soon as the teacher wasn't paying attention I handed Cole my note

Eventually I got a note back.

"Why does daddy not let you out of the house" the note read. I turned her direction and her giving her pleading eyes to stop.

She looked guilty.

She then mouthed "Ok I'm sorry"

I crumpled the note and threw it on the floor.

"Don't mind my sister she means well. With you at least" I heard Cole from behind me.

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