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Cora above
Greysons POV

The first period came and went and I picked up my stuff and and left the classroom.

As I make it through the door I hear my name.

"Hey Greyson is it." I see the girl who splashed the ice coffee on the teachers white shirt. She was wearing a leather jacket a white shirt and black leggings with black knee high heeled boots.

I remained quiet and looked down so much for being quiet.

"I'm Cora Ricci. This is Layla Moretti and these are my twin cousins Cassandra and Cameron." She said with a smile.

The three other girls offered me a smile and a light hi.

"See ya around kid" she says with a smirk and the walk away.

Many of my classes were not hard to find after that. It's currently fifth period and I walk into the class to see only one seat left open in the back row. I quickly take it and the period starts.

The teacher has yet to come and that's when she walks in.

She walks over here and take to the kid sitting next to me.

"Move" she says in a cold and harsh tone that makes the poor kid next to me flinch.

The kid mutters a quick and terrified sounding "Sorry"

"Hey" she says. "Not much of a talker" she asks.

"Why don't you have lunch with me and my friends next period."  She offers with a sweet voice.

"Why" I ask.

"It's depressing to sit by yourself on the first day so why not. And I've introduced myself so you know at least one person" she smiles.

"Ok" Was my short response.

This period came and went as fast as the others had and Cora had walked with me towards the lunch room.

"I-I have to stop at my locker" I tell her and she nods.

"So you do speak. Good to know. And I like your voice by the way it's nice" she compliments and I blush at the weird yet nice compliment.

She came with me to my locker and we soon set out for the lunch room.

"Just a warning the table is a bit large and loud but you could make friends for life." She tells me.

Sounds nice.

As we walk up to the table I see the three girls from earlier three other girls  and six other boys. In total it was two large tables with six boys and six girls and a grand total of twelve people. My anxiety spike and so did my breathing.

Cora seamed to notice

"Hey what's wrong" she said softly

"I-I can't do this" and with that I took off. Tears sliding down my cheeks and oxygen barley making it into my lungs.
Cora's POV

My mind wouldn't think of anything but him.

Greyson Santiago. He was so, so I don't know how to explain it. I haven't been around him long enough to know but he has the bad boy look but is the complete opposite. He's very quiet and keeps to himself but there's more to him. I can tell it, his eyes and deminior tell me a different story. One I can't decipher yet and he has this mysterious aura surrounding him. 

I'm able to read people well. But the mystery that surrounds him intrigues me.

As I walk into my fifth period class I see Greyson sitting in the back. There was no empty seat next to him so I approach one of the kids that is in the mafia. He's one of my mafia's most trusted hacker's sons.

Both very intelligent and he's nice and all but he's in the seat I want.

"Move" I command and he quickly scurries up to a seat in the front.

"Hey." I try with Greyson "Not much of a talker" I  asks.

"Why don't you have lunch with me and my friends next period."  I offer offer trying to get him to talk.

"Why" he asked .

"It's depressing to sit by yourself on the first day so why not. And I've introduced myself so you know at least one person" i try to give him a encouraging smile.

"Ok" he answers.

The class went by faster then I expected. It helps when I didn't even do any of the work.

As we make our way to the cafeteria Greyson suddenly spoke.

"I-I have to stop at my locker" he told me. I nod my head.

Once we go and he exchanges his books we enter the cafeteria and walk over to the two tables my family and I share. My dad had two brothers and two sisters and did my mom had two brothers, then there's family friends.

In total there is my two girl cousins and my three guy cousins and my younger brother who is only a year younger. And the rest were friends that came out to a total of twelve people not counting Greyson or I.  And that is just my family members that are a similar age to me.

I looked over to him and he had a panicked look in his eyes while tears were pooling. He then bolted.

"Greyson" I shout. I go after him. I couldn't find him. He must be in the guys bathroom. I can't go in obviously.

That was until I heard a scream of pain.

I run in knowing it was Greyson.

There were a boy standing above him and he kicked him in the ribs.

"Are you crying for your mommy" he made fun of Greyson.

I go in between them and glare at the guy

"Back the fuck off." I tell him menacingly. Fire in my eyes.

I look at my poor Greyson who was haveing a panic attack. So I don't hesitate to say what I say next.

"Unless you want to end up in a ditch." I snarl at the guy

His face pales and he ran out as fast as he could after answering me. I feel no remorse for that asshole.

  "No princess" he addresses me as he ran.

My father made one thing clear when any of his daughters and or kids including sons were born they would be addressed as royalty because he is the king and my mother the queen of this city. And Greyson would be now as well now that he's under my protection.

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