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Greysons POV

"I've come here to protect you and Andrea. I'm with Cora. We have to stay here there will be an explosion in the north East quadrant of the compound he said louder."

I know what he's doing. He needed to tell us there's a plan but knew the room was wired.

He gave them the wrong information on purpose.

I know we're on the south East quadrant because my dads a dumb ass and literally said

"Your on the south East quadrant which is the farthest from anybody."

During one of his "sessions"

Evan then took us to the furthest wall in the room. Then I heard it. It sounded like knocking but I knew it was the timer that hunter had invented. She knew a regular timer was way to loud so she made a  quieter one. It can only be remote detonated. She showed me somethings during training. That being one of them.

I shielded my mother from the flying debris when the explosion went off.

Evan then picked mom up considering she hasn't really walked in years plus the fact she's malnourished.

"Grey we gotta go" Cora said putting my arm around her shoulder so she could help me walk.

"We gotta hurry. They'll know what happened." I said worriedly.

"Yeah I know." She said as she picked up the pace.

We got to a van much like the one from the first time she rescued me and got in. They took mom to a different one that was more like an ambulance.

"How'd you know to bring that for her" I asked.

"You don't give me any credit do you" I heard Hunters  playfully hurt yet sarcastic voice as she just showed up out of nowhere.

"Thanks hunt." I said and she gave me a smile.

"We're good by the way" she said casually

"What do you mean" I ask her

"We have the place surrounded and everybody was been sedated." I let out a breath

"Except for your dad." She pauses then laughs "oh your face. Like we're dumb. We shot him and sorry if this sounds dark but we're gonna cremate him so we know he's gone. We've had mistakes where they survive and escape cuz we think they're dead. We're also not monsters we're gonna make sure he's dead before anything else happens." She told me.

(A/N: I'm truly sorry if it's to morbid for you.)

I sigh in relief.

He'll be gone and out my life. He can't hurt me or mom anymore. Hell he can't hurt anyone anymore.

I let out a breath and smile. Then everything goes black.

Coras POV


I scream for everyone to rush him to the gurney inside the van we were taking him to.

The doctor starts to treat what he can for now while our primary doctor took care of Andrea considering she's suffered the most injuries.

"You'll be ok Greyson I know you will." I said as a tear slid down my cheek once he was situated

"I'll be here when you wake up Grey" I said softly, holding his hand.


Two weeks later


Greysons POV


I don't really know what happened after Cora came to save me. All I knew that I was safe. That I had her a I had my mom back.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't.

I kept trying until it finally worked and I see a bright white ceiling. I squinted my eyes in pain.

"Grey" I heard a soft sweet voice

"Cora" I struggled getting out.

She quickly shot up and got me a glass of water.

I started to down it before she pulled it away.

"Stop. You'll get sick if you drink like that. Slower" she said sternly while handing me back the cup.

I did as told an finished the cup putting it down on the nightstand once I didn't want anymore.

"What happened, where are we Cora" I ask.

"It's been two weeks Grey. You fell unconscious after we got to you. Your mom did as well. You both had a poison in your body that we were able to get out in time" my eyes widen. The water.

"Your mom woke up yesterday and well you obviously woke up today." I sigh

"We were all so worried." She said as I scooted over for her to sit on the bed. She smiled and sat next to me while paging the doctor.

It turns out this is a private hospital Coras family owns so they can take any injured mafia member without questions or police. If it's a normal person then the staff will follow normal protocol.

I've been in the hospital for the three days that I've been awake. Cora is currently laying with me in the hospital bed.

Mom has come to visit me and is walking with crutches and is walking again but like I said is on crutches so she doesn't over work her legs.

"Hey" Cora suddenly says

"What do you want to do now that you're free" she asks quietly tracing random patterns on my chest.

Then it hits me,I'm free.

"Get a tattoo. I also want the mafia tattoo." I said suddenly.

"Grey. That's a life long commitment." She said seriously.

"I know and I'm committed. Just like I am to us. I'm not going anywhere." I said resting my chin on her head.

She sat up and smiled while pulling out her phone and texting someone.

"Done" she said and her lips met mine. I savored the kiss loving the time I spend with her.

"I love you" I say once we pull away not a doubt in my mind.

"I love you too Grey and there is nothing that would make me stop loving you" she said and crashed our lips together once again.

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