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Cora's POV

When dad went out to find Cole I had to do so much fucking talking and shit from my family I didn't want to talk about it with Greyson around in chance of frightening him. They asked anyway but since he was there they were a bit more cautious then what they'd usually ask.

"So Greyson when'd you move here" uncle gio asked.

"Not even a month ago" he said

"So that makes you fit to date my granddaughter" Nono asks

Greyson gulps and it's clear when dad isn't around they're  gonna be assholes. Great just great.

People then start asking questions and I hear Greyson quietly whimper next to me. This is what I wanted to avoid. Fucking asshole males of my family. My aunts are ok with him but nooo. My Nona is fine with him but nooo. They aggravate me sometimes.

I slam my hands down on the table

"Everyone shut up" I roar

Greyson looks at me and takes my hand in hopes of calming me down.

"We were just—" someone started.

"I don't care you're stressing both me an Greyson out. And your lucky we have a child here or I wouldn't have been as nice." I say glaring at my family.

"I'm not a child" nick pouted

"I know buddy I'm sorry." I tell him while he maintains his pout. I'll fix that later.

"If you'll excuse us" I said and Greyson got up with me and we left the room not before my mom called after us but when she did I ignored her.

We enter the game room or more specifically the hang out room where we do not permit adults or anybody who is not sibling or cousin. It's our escape from our family. We have a few of these rooms actually.

"They stress me out so much sometimes." I sigh angrily.

"Grey are you good."

He sighs. "I'm ok. I've been better and that actually went how I thought it would."

It did. How did he expect it to go?

"I figured something would happen. Something always happens. And by the way since when am I your boyfriend" he says with amusement in his eyes.

"Since after all the crap we've been through so far and are going to be. And you haven't run away yet so..." a smile graced my face and he slowly leans in and I connect our lips to a soft and sweet kiss.

But life seems to hate me and someone knocks on the door.

Fuck them. Unless it nick then it's excusable because he's just so cute.

The door opens to reveal nick.

I pick him up and kiss his cheek.

"Hi bud"

"I'm still mad at you." He says with a small pout.

"What's up."Greyson tried from next to me. Nick then made grabby hands to Greyson. I passed nick to Greyson and he made an unsure face. It was clear he haven't dealt with many kids before. He looked like a natural though.

"Hey what did you need buddy" Grey asked softly to nick who was getting comfortable in his arms.

"Daddy said uncle Luca is coming back soon wif Cole and som' boy" he said resting his head on Greys shoulder sleepiness evident in his voice.

I smile. I know dad is going to want to talk with Cole so it's best if I be there. Dad and Cole have a good relationship but they clash a lot and very often but it doesn't mean they hate each other.

Coles POV (Before they arrive at the mansion)

As we drove back home dad couldn't help but lecture me.

"That was so fucking stupid you know you don't have to sneak out." Dad grumbled.

"Well would you let me leave In the middle of dinner" I countered.

He huffs and rolls his eyes in response.

"What were you even doing with Kieran." Dad yelled angrily.

"I asked him to meet me since i was in town." Kieran tried.

"Stay out of this Conroy" dad all but growled.

Suddenly the door bursts open to reveal an annoyed looking Cora and an annoyed looking mom

Mom grabs dads ear while Cora grabs mine and they drag us to opposite couches while Kieran trailed behind us.

"What's going on here and if anyone of you fucking interrupts or screams over the other it won't be pretty" mom yelled. I gulped and so did dad. Mom never curses and when she does she's pissed.

"Kieran you're first." Mom said finally noticing his presence.

"Thanks. It's not Coles fault. I told him to meet me at the crash club. He didn't know."

"And why did you two meet up" mom asked

"I was in the city and...you know what Cole just tell them"

"You know why I didn't."

"It worked out fine with my dad" Kieran said angrily

"Fine."I sigh

"We were out on a date."

Dad sighed

"It doesn't matter you should have at least told us even after you snuck out."  He said.

"Wait you don't care" I asked exasperated and looked to Cora for help to see if he's either lying or hiding his true feelings.

She just shrugged her shoulders since she already knew I was gay.

"Why would you being gay matter. You're my son. I'd still take a bullet for you or any of my children any day no matter what."  Dad said defusing any confusion or tension.

Dad then hugged me which took me by surprise.

"No matter who you are or what you like you'll always be my son and yes we clash... a lot but I don't see you any differently and neither does your mother."

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please be kind to one another and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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