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Luca's POV (ps. Warning a few POV switches through out the chapter)

It had been almost half an hour since Cole asked to be excused form the table and it was clear he was lying to me. Why and what about.

Like I had said half an hour had passed before the house phone had rung and everyone looked to me.

I sigh and got up from the table and walked over to the phone.


"Hello Luca. Having fun trying to find me."

"Santiago." I growl out and I feel someone rubbing my shoulder. I look over to find my beautiful Ella. I give her a slight smile then go back to glaring at the wall.

"You have fucking guts calling me at my home." I snarl.

"And you have fucking guys to kidnap my son." He said with sarcasm.

"What you did was wrong."

"Says you mr.mafia man" he laughs

"I have limits and lines that I do not cross now get to the fucking point before I find you and blow your brains out."

"I know where your son is right now and I'd watch my back if I was you"

"My son is here and I wouldn't be making threats if I were you" I say in a deadly quiet tone.

"I wouldn't be to sure of that. Oh well tick tock. The mouse ran up the clock and curiosity killed the cat find your son before the day is done." He said sadistically before he hung up.

"Gio go check Coles room now." I command my younger brother.

"He's not there" gio says panting after running to Coles room and back.

"Fuck" I scream

"We'll find him" Ella tries to reassure.


Kieran Conroy's POV (half an hour ago)


"Meet me at the crash club in ten"

I then get a response


I sigh and head over to a bar on the bad side of town waiting for Cole.

I'm rarely in New York since my dad has everything set up and running back in Boston.

I see the tall black haired beauty walk through the door.

I get up and greet him at the door.

"Hey gorgeous." I say hugging him around his waist. We're almost the exact same height me being a few inches shorter.

"Haven't seen you in a while Kieran." He sigh putting his chin on my head and hugging me back while running his hand up my back.

"Let's get outta here" he said and we went to his motorcycle.

He tosses me a spare helmet with a dazzling smile.

He was just about to put on his helmet when we heard a click of a revolver.

"Don't fucking move" we heard a gruff voice and turned around.

"Who are you and who sent you." I ask.

"Mr. Santiago. And Conroy this doesn't concern you." The man spoke.

"The hell it does. Your pointing your gun at my date." I sneer while I see Cole pull out his gun while I keep distracting the man.

"Conroy I don't feel like getting into shit with your father for this so walk away. I have orders from Santiago."

"Who the fuck is Santiago."

"Carlos Santiago" he answers.

"As in the politician" I ask while I hear a revolver click and someone shoot while the guy falls forward from the impact.

"Cole why the fuck are you not at home. Get in the fucking van now" Coles dad shouts from a van.

"I'm coming too" I say.

I grab Coles hand and we walk to the van.

"Kieran Conroy what are you doing here thought your dad was fully operational in Boston" Mr. Ricci asks.

"He is. I wanted to visit Cole." I said as he pulled me into the van and we headed for their estate.

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