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Ruby's POV

(Y/N) and I were wandering through a forest.

"This Eddie guy sounds nice," I said.

"He really is," (Y/N) said. "I'd like to introduce you to him sometime."

"I'd be happy to meet him," I said.

We eventually got to our spot.

"Here we are," he said.

I looked up, and I saw the stars.

"Oooooh!" I said. "Preeeeetyyyyy!"

"Yeah," he said. "I found it a few nights ago. Thought it would be a nice spot."

I looked at him and smiled.

"Aren't you romantic," I said.

He smiled at me.

I began to sit down.

"What're you doing?" he asked.

"I'm sitting down," I answered.

"I've got a better idea," he said.


(Y/N) lifted me onto the giant web he'd created.

I got on top, and tried my best not to shake it. We weren't too high up, but I didn't want to destroy (Y/N)'s beautiful creation.

"Don't worry about breaking it," he said. "I swing on these things. They're pretty strong."

"Touche," I said.

I moved to the middle of the web, and I lied down, looking at the sky.

(Y/N) crawled over to me, and lied down next to me.

We watched the stars go by.

Soon, I decided to speak up.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"What do you think of the whole Spider-Man thing?"

"Oh, I love it! The fame, the children screaming my name, the fun I get from fighting crime, the adrenaline I get from swinging! It's amazing!"

I sighed. "I was afraid of that."

(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't believe what she just said!

I looked at her.

"I thought you were happy about this whole thing..." I said.

"I am! I was afraid of your response!"

"You want me to hate being Spider-Man?"

"No! I want you to take it seriously!"

"Of course I take it seriously!"

"I mean, I don't want it to get to your head! I don't want you to get an ego from this whole thing! I don't want you to go too far with this whole thing!"

"... Where did this come from?"

"The way you talk about Spider-Man... it's very different from how you used to talk about him. You used to say you hated him. Eventually, when you started to get your life in order, you said you liked being Spider-Man, not because of attention or fun, but because you could help people. Now all you talk about is the attention you get, and how much fun it is. I'm worried you're getting too prideful. I don't want that to happen to you."

I sighed. "I've been noticing it, too. Yesterday, during the terrorist attack, all I thought about was the attention I got, and how much fun I was having. I thought of that the whole way back to Beacon."

"So, you are turning out like that," Ruby said.

"Yeah... but don't worry, I'll try not to let it get to my head."

She looked at me with those gorgeous silver eyes.

"You promise?" she asked.

I placed my hand on her cheek.

"I promise."

She smiled.

We slowly connected our lips.

We didn't notice the small meteor passing by.

Symbiote's POV

My meteor passed by some kind of large web.

'What is that thing?'

My meteor landed nearby.

'Made it! Let's get out of here!'

I began to push against the rock, until it chipped open. It was a small, but all I needed to get out.

I saw two people falling from the web.

One was a beautiful woman with black hair, a black outfit, and a red hood.

The other was some kid... descending by some kind of silk rope?

'He should be an interesting host.'

I moved over to him, latching onto his shoe.

(Y/N)'s POV

I landed on the ground with Ruby.

She smiled. "If you ever need to talk about this, just let me know."

I smiled back at her. "Of course."

I kissed her on the cheek before we made our way back to Beacon.

Spider-Man: RWBY 3 (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now