Madame Web

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(Y/N)'s POV

I started to regain consciousness.

'I-I'm okay? What's going on?'

I started to get up.

I looked around to see where I was.

I was in some kind of blue glowing area.

'Where the hell am I?'

"Welcome, (Y/N) (L/N)."

I turned around.

I saw some kind of old woman, sitting on a chair, which had some kind of mechanical web attached to it. She had goggles on, and a red bodysuit, with a white spider logo on her chest.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I go by many names. Most know me as Madame Web."

"Um... okay...? Where exactly did you come from?"

"I assume you are aware of the Spider-Verse?"

"Yes. The old man informed me of it. God was intrigued by the original Spider-Man and created multiple timelines each with a different Spider-Man in them. Are you... another Spider-Man-- Spider-Woman, sorry, or something?"

"No. I am the one who creates and watches over all the timelines."

"So, are you God?"

"No. God created me to create the timelines."

"Okay... so, um, why exactly am I here?"

"I'm sure you're aware that God created these alternate timelines to see what each Spider-Man would do with their abilities, correct?"

"... Yes..."

"One Spider-Man has not learned your moral. He has been corrupted by his great power, and is trying to gain more."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"He is hunting down who will eventually become the greatest Spider-Man of them all. He is a special one. He will be the most powerful Spider-Man of them all. One even the greatest Spider-Men will look up to."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

"I have gotten permission to send other Spider-Men to his world, to teach him what it means to be a Spider-Man, and to protect him from this Spider-Man."

"Wait... your sending me to another timeline?!"

"You, and them."

I turned around, and saw 5 more Spider-Men standing behind me.

Peter Parker (Earth 616)

Mayday Parker (Earth 982)

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Mayday Parker (Earth 982)

Mayday Parker (Earth 982)

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Spider-Man: RWBY 3 (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now