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Weiss' POV

I sat at my desk as Professor-- Doctor Oobleck was going over today's lesson.

I found it hard to listen through my thoughts.

I felt happy to have made up with (Y/N). I didn't want to start conflict with my team, especially with someone who Ruby was in love with, and who tried to make sure I was okay when I was in an emotionless state.

The only problem was the anger Norman expressed to me. Everyday I'd see him, yelling at me for being weak and a coward for refusing to avenge him.

It was about to get worse.

As I sat there, I started to hear Norman's voice.

"Hello, Weiss," he said.

"Could you save this for later?" I asked. "I'm in the middle of something."

He was silent.

"Thank you," I said.

I continued to work, hoping he left.

I looked up at Oobleck, and I saw Norman standing at his desk, glaring at me.

"He's right next to you," Norman said. "Finish him now!"

I looked to my right, where (Y/N) was sitting.

I looked at Norman, and I shook my head. "He's my friend," I whispered. "And even if he wasn't, I'm not going to kill him in front of the entire class!"

"Then wait," Norman said. "When the time comes, strike."

"I'm not going to hurt him!"

(Y/N)'s POV

I was listening to Dr. Oobleck's lesson, when I started to hear Weiss whispering something.

I listened closely.

"I'm not going to hurt him!"

'Is she talking about me?'

"Are you okay, Weiss?"

She looked at me, back to Oobleck's desk, and back to me.

"It's Norman!" she whispered.


"He's still in my head! He's trying to get me to kill you!"

"What are you talking--?"

"Shut up!" she whispered.

"Weiss," Oobleck said, "is something wrong?"

"I-I," Weiss stuttered.

"Something's going on in her head," I explained, trying not to give away too much information.

Weiss put her hands over her ears.

"Weiss! Try to ignore him--" I tried to tell her.

"Shut! UUUUUUP!!!!" she screamed.

She got up from her seat and ran out of the class.

"Weiss!" I said.

I got up from my seat and ran after her.

Weiss' POV

I ran into the front of the school, hands covering my ears as I heard Norman screaming at me.

"Weak! Kill him! Where are you going?! Avenge me!"



I turned around, and I saw (Y/N) chasing after me.

"What are you doing here," I asked him. "Aren't you scared I might kill you?"

"I've survived a lot more than you, Ice Queen," he said. "And besides, I can tell you don't want to listen to him. I can tell you don't want to kill me. I trust you, Weiss."

I was shocked to hear that. I'd bragged about how I'd wanted to kill Spider-Man so many times, and I'd tried to kill him before. And... he still trusted me anyway?

"You really trust me?" I asked. "Even after everything I..."

"Of course I do," he said. "I'm not blind. I can see you don't feel good about all this."

I headed towards him, and I cried into his chest.

"He won't shut up!" I said. "I can't get him to shut up!"

"Where do you think he came from?" he asked. "What is he doing in your head?"

"I-I don't know," I answered. "He's just... he's just there..."

"We'll try to figure this out, Weiss," he said. "Let's get Ruby."

"Why Ruby?" I asked.

"She's the only other person who knows about the whole Spider-Man and Grimm Goblin thing," he answered. "It'll probably take a little more than just me to help you."

I thought about it for a moment.

I nodded. "Yeah, okay. Let's... let's go."

We walked back into the academy.

"What are you doing?" Norman said. "Kill him now, and I won't bother you again!"

"Shut up..."

Spider-Man: RWBY 3 (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now