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Weiss' POV

I'd been sitting at the same spot, thinking about what (Y/N) had said for hours.

Maybe it had been days? I don't know.

I didn't know what to do. I knew he was right. I had been an idiot. I was too blind to see. (Y/N)'s refusal to kill me was enough to prove he didn't kill Norman.

'Why was I so stupid?!'

"You weren't stupid."

I looked up, seeing Norman standing over me.

"What do you want?" I said.

"You tried to finish the job. You did the best you could. Now you just have to get yourself back up, and finish the job."

I looked down.

'Do I want to finish the job? I know (Y/N) didn't kill Norman. And I know Norman was the Grimm Goblin. I know he tried to kill so many people. He tried to kill Ruby. My friend. Did I really want to avenge someone who nearly killed my friend twice?'

"No," I said.

"What?" Norman began to look angry.

"I said no," I said. "(Y/N) is my friend. I know he didn't kill you, and I know you tried to kill my friends!"

"That doesn't matter," he said. "I loved you, Weiss. Are you just going to leave me dead?!"

I smiled. "Yes. I'm going to leave you behind. I don't need you anymore. I don't need to avenge you. I don't need to avenge a madman. And... to tell the truth... I don't want to anymore."

He was clearly pissed off. "What do you mean?!"

"I mean... I don't want to hurt (Y/N) anymore. He's my friend. He was always there for me. He is there for Ruby, and I'd never hurt her. The truth is... I don't hate (Y/N)."

He glared. "You're so weak!"

"I don't hate him..."

He started to fade away.

"I don't hate him..."

I looked up. He was gone. I smiled.

"I don't."


I stood at the door to my dorm.

I held my hand up to knock.

I hesitated.

'What if they don't want me? What if they know? What if they think I'm a psychopath and send me to a mental hospital?'

I sighed. 'Here goes nothing.'

I knocked on the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened, and Ruby was standing there. Her jaw dropped.

"H-Hi," I said.

Suddenly, I could feel her arms wrapped around me.

"I was so worried!" she said. "(Y/N) said he hurt you!"

I was shocked. I thought she'd be happy to know what had happened to me. But... she was worried about me?

I smiled.

"I'm okay," I said.

Ruby broke up the hug.

"(Y/N) told me to tell you he's sorry," she said.

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. "H-He did?!"

She smiled and nodded. "I managed to knock some sense into him."

"Meaning what?"

"He's back to the selfless hero I love."

I smiled. "That's good."

"Wait... what are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

I nodded. "I just came to apologize. I shouldn't have tried to kill (Y/N), and I shouldn't have used you to do it. You guys are my best friends, and you were there for me when I needed you. I shouldn't have acted the way I did."

"Norman got to you," Ruby said. "It's fine. You're okay now. Everybody's okay. We'll just wait for (Y/N) to come back, and you two can talk."

I smiled, before hugging her. "Thank you."

I don't usually hug Ruby, but I couldn't help it.

'Everything's going to be okay. Soon, I won't need to worry about what happened ever again. I can just stick with my friends, and keep going down my original path. I don't need to worry anymore. Everything is going to be fine.'

(Y/N)'s POV

I swung through Vale, wearing my usual red and blue suit, and followed the sound of the sirens.

Something seemed off about them.

Soon, I landed in some kind of abandoned warehouse, and I saw... large speakers?

I leapt into the building, and approached them.

'What's going on? Oh... this is a trap, isn't it?'

Suddenly, the speakers stopped, and the lights turned on.

I looked around, seeing members of the White Fang starting to surround me, aiming their weapons at me.

'This isn't good.'

"Aw, for me?" I said. "You guys are too kind!"

"Well, you know us," I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Eddie approaching. "Always there to help out a friend."

"Eddie?" I whispered.

He walked up to me. "Hey, (Y/N)," he whispered.

My eyes widened.

'What the actual hell is going on?!'

"Eddie! What are you doing?" I whispered.

He backed up a bit.

"Just a little payback," he said.

My Spider Sense tingled.

I turned around, and saw Flint Marko standing there.

"Marko?!" I said. "But... I thought you were..."

'This is really, really bad!'

I turned to Eddie, and watched as he slowly approached again.

"Eddie, look, I'm sorry!" I said. "I wasn't myself! I was stupid, and I didn't think of the consequences! Please!"

He stopped in front of me again. "I know you didn't. But now... you're going to suffer your consequences."

He grabbed my neck.

I started to choke. There was no breath getting in or out of my lungs.

'Since when is he that strong-- wait... is that--?'

I saw that his hand was covered in some kind of black substance.

'Oh no!'

The black suit started to form around Eddie, until he had turned into a much bulkier version of me, with a large, sharp toothed grin.

"Eyes, lungs, pancreas," the way too familiar voice of Venom said. "So many snacks, so little time."

I tried to speak, but Venom's grip on my neck was too strong.

'I've been strangled before, but nothing quite like this!'

I started to black out. I tried to speak as the world started to fade.

"Ed... plea... figh... sorry..."

Soon, the world turned completely black.

'Ruby... I promised...'

(A/N Alright guys, it's finally time! It's finally time for the story to turn into something completely different! It isn't over yet, but trust me! This is where it becomes completely different from the original Spider-Man 3! Look forward to it!)

Spider-Man: RWBY 3 (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now