Little Goblin Jr.

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Ruby's POV

I was walking through the halls of Beacon on my own.

I needed some time alone. Some time to think. I needed to think about (Y/N). I didn't like what he was becoming, but I loved him too much to leave him like that. I also was unsure about that new suit of his.

I didn't know what to do about him anymore.

"What're you thinking about?" I heard Weiss' voice behind me.

I turned around. Weiss stood there, leaning against the wall, with a smug smile on her face.

"Oh, hi, Weiss!" I said, not wanting to discuss (Y/N) with her.

"Thinking about your 'boyfriend'?" Weiss asked.

I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"I... uh... well..."

"No worries," she said, walking up to me. "I've been thinking about him a lot too."

That last part sounded threatening. Like she wanted to...

'No... she can't really be... (Y/N)'s her friend... right?'

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"'What do I mean?'" she repeated. "He killed Norman, Ruby!"

I gasped. That side of Weiss that I thought was gone had returned!

"Weiss... please..."

She smiled, and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt my friends. It's him I want. And him alone."

I started to get angry. "If you lay one finger on him--"

"Save it, Ruby," she said. "I know you're rethinking your relationship status with him, too."

I started to get angry. "Weiss, he didn't kill hi--"

Weiss knocked me against a wall.

"You seriously believe his lies?!" she shouted.

She leaned in front of me. "I'm not here to hurt you. You're not the one who betrayed me. I just want you to tell him to meet me."

"And why would I tell him that?!" I asked.

She smiled. "I'm going to kill him either way. Either you tell him now, or I'll finish it later."

She stood up and started walking away.

I reached for Crescent Rose, only to realize I didn't have it.

"Where is he even supposed to meet you?" I asked.

"He'll know."

(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting on the roof of the school, chatting with Venom.

"Ruby's coming! Shut up!" he said.

I turned around.

"Hey, Ruby," I said.

"Um... hi..." she said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Is that a question?" Venom asked. "Look at her! Looks like something is definitely wrong!"

"Shut up!" I whispered.

"It's... it's Weiss..." Ruby answered sitting down next to me.

"Look at her," Venom said. "No wonder you're dating her."

Spider-Man: RWBY 3 (Male! Spider-Man! Reader x Ruby Rose) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now