The goodbye kiss

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Nico POV:
The day started and I was awake at five in the morning I knew Will would be awake because the sun was up and I wanted to see him before we left.

I walked out of the hades cabin quietly so I wouldn't wake Hazel then I was walking into the infirmary soon I spotted Wills mop of blonde hair.

"Will" I said my voice was shaking "Nico" he said with a concerned look on his face he turned to one of the other Apollo kids "cover my shift" he said the kid nodded.

Will grabbed my hand and led me out of the infirmary to a small hill leading to the woods then he turned towards me "what happened" Will asked holding both my hands so I couldn't pull away.

"There sending the five kids of the big three to go get the girl and bring her here" I said looking at the ground "when" Will said "as soon as the others are ready" I answered.

"Why didn't we know about this sooner" Will said "she is apparently supposed to be dead" I said "Nico are you okay" Will asked "yeah I just really wanted to see you before we left" I said looking back up at him.

Will closed the gap between us kissing me I closed my eyes and put my hands around his neck I felt his hands go to my waist and pull me even closer to him when he pulled away he said "if you don't come back to me alive I'm going to kill you" "I love you to" I said smiling.

Then it was time to leave Percy and Annabeth were saying goodbye so we're Jason and Piper and Hazel and Frank. Me and Hazel were shadow travelling the five of us there (I didn't tell Will about that part).

We were in a very small town and I felt my legs giving out from exhaustion Jason handed me an ambrosia square and helped me to my feet. "You alright Nico" Jason asked "yeah it's just been a while since I've shadow traveled Will doesn't like when I do it" I answered.

"Guys" Thalia yelled I looked up and there was a giant fire monster Jason and I jumped out of the way just before it threw a fire ball at us. Jason was protecting me and Hazel we were to week from shadow travelling Thalia and Percy were fighting the monster Percy ended up causing a flood.

All of us had burns and we're soaked to the bone "are we getting any closer" Hazel said she wasn't used to shadow travelling so she was more tired than I was. We were using a magical arrow to find the girl "yeah we're here" Percy said.

We had reached a small house at the edge of the town Thalia rang the doorbell a woman who looked like she was in her 40s with brown hair answered the door. "Hello"she said "may we please speak with your daughter we're friends of hers from school " Hazel asked "sure" she said giving us a strange look an 11 year old girl and down the stairs.

"What" she said "someone at the door" the women said "it's not her she doesn't have the aura" Thalia said "we mean your other daughter" Percy said. "Violet" she yelled at the stairs a girl she looked 13came to the door.

She was a short girl with brown hair and blue eyes, she was wearing jean shorts and jacket and a blue shirt. "Hi can I help you" she said as she stepped outside closing the door behind her.

"Hi my name is Percy Jackson" Percy said "Violet MacKenzie" she said "we're here to bring you to a summer camp" Thalia said bluntly "your dad sent us" Jason added quickly.

"What are you talking about my dad inside" Violet said the woman came outside looking worried "Violet go back inside" the woman said  "what going on" Violet asked. "Oh gods she doesn't know" Hazel said "doesn't know what mom" Violet said "you didn't tell her" Thalia said.

"No and she not going to your camp" the woman said "look lady we already killed one monster today and I guarantee 10 more are on the way so we're taking her" I yelled having just about enough of this.

"Fine" the woman said "what is happening" Violet said "we'll explain on the the way" Percy said "it's complicated" Jason said.

We had no idea just how complicated

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