We begin to trust eachother

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Nico's POV:
It was five minutes until curfew and Violet still wasn't back yet Hazel was asleep and I was worried. Then Violet walked into the cabin wearing a pink jacket with her jean jacket tied around her waist.

"Hey where did you go" I asked "Hey I got bored" she answered then she hung up both jackets and took off her shoes and sat on her bed. "Alright what's his name" I asked "what there's no guy" she answered "well what were you really doing" I asked.

"Well there's definitely no guy"she said bitterly "you alright I'm not going to judge you or anything" I said. "Can I trust you" she asked looking me dead in the eye "absolutely" I said "I've done a lot of things that I'm not proud of and I have a lot of scars and I'm not going to share about all of them right away but I going to tell you about one right now" Violet said.

She walked over to sink and wet a cloth then sat down next to me she wiped her outside of her right leg and makeup came out of it. There was a scar it was a word that had been carved into her leg "faggot" it looked a couple years old but still red and would probably never fade.

"Yeah I got that when I was ten years old" she said "what happened" I asked "I was ten I came out to my parents then we drove to some camp they left me there and then I found out I was in a gay conversation camp. I was there for a year while I was this guy who worked there he decided to help as he put it be normal and he raped me and then decided to carve that word in my leg.

My mom came and got me out of there when I was 11 then the whole thing with Sky happened I ran away and I did a lot of stuff that is a whole other story" Violet said. "I was raised in the 1940s they told us that people like you and me that we needed to be cured of a sickness so Bianca protected me. Yeah and I used to have a crush on Percy then I got outed by Cupid to Jason and I was going to leave camp but then I met Will and I decided to stay" I said.

"So guess that there's only one straight hades kid" she said I laughed at that "Yeah I guess you're right about that" I said. "So who is she" I asked "that is for me to know and you to find out later" she said smiling "yeah well it's only your first day" I replied.

"Yeah and I am really tired" she said "yeah wait till Percy finds out he will be the one who you have to watch out for" I said. "Yeah that going to be fun that Piper girl still trying to kill me" she asked me "no we talked her down and got Leo to explain" I answered.

"Yeah well me and Leo are good now so we don't have to kill each other" she said "yeah I'm going to go to sleep now so Will doesn't kill me about my insomnia" I said "yeah I'm going to sleep to" she said I got under my covers and closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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