I'm no hero

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Violet POV:
Hi my name is Violet and this is how my life went from bad to worse. It all started July 5 the sun was shining so I went outside to do what no 13 year old girl did read.

Now if you're asking me why I was reading for fun in the middle of summer vacation I will have to start the story back to when I was 4 years old.

When I was 4 I got what I had been wishing for all year a little sister I really just wanted someone to play with me but once she was born suddenly no payed any attention to me.

So I learned how to read as a way to ignore my problems and push people away then you fast forward like 11 years and I am still they exactly the same person.

Except for now all I really want is a way out of my house my family is not so great my dad and my mom treat me like a freak they don't want and my sister hates me.

And now I am being dragged out of my thoughts by the doorbell ringing. My mom answered the door and I couldn't resist listening to them.

"Hello" my mother asked "hi may we please speak to your daughter" a girl voice asked "sure Britney" she yelled up at the stairs my sister came running down the stairs.

"What" she asked "someone's at the door asking to see you" my mom answered "that's not her she doesn't have the aura a different voice said.

"Um we meant your other daughter miss" the girls voice said "how do you know Violet" my mom said "school were friends of hers" a new voice said.

This was strange I don't have any friends from school my only friends are the heroes in my books and I am no hero.

Then I heard my mom yelling my name I slowly walked down the stairs to the door standing there were five kids who looked my age or older.

There were 3 boys and two girls there close we're burnt and they were soaking wet it was a very strange but I didn't know it was going to change everything.

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