New years eve

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Nico's POV:
It's New Year's Eve and almost every one was coming here for the big party Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Calypso, Jason, and Piper were all coming back. As for the Violet getting possessed problem we have it under control we had kept her and Rachel together.

And they are surprisingly good friends they had done a mural together in the big house. It was lunch time and we were headed towards the dining pavilion when Leo and Calypso arrived.

There bronze dragon landed right in front of us on the middle of the lawn "hey guys" Leo said as he jumped down then helped Calypso down. "Hey death breath, sun boy how it going" Leo asked "not much since Halloween" Will replied.

"Hey Vi, hey Rachel" Calypso said then the three of them hugged Calypso and Violet had also become good friends. We all began to chatting about what had been going on here when some thunder clouds came rolling in.

It was Tempest with Jason and Piper they hugged Leo and Calypso then me and Will and Violet "hey Nico is Hazel coming to the party" Violet asked. "No she and Frank have to supervise the camp Jupiter new year's party" I replied.

Then a bunch of shadows surrounded us and miss O Leary appeared with Percy and Annabeth Percy was tackled in a hug by Grover then we said hello to everyone. "Oh yeah I almost forgot, me and Rachel finally finished painting those three walls in the big house and wanted to show you guys" Violet said.

So all of us made our way over to the big house we went inside where three walls were covered with white tarps. "So back in August Percy gave me the tapes of your guy's' story and me and Rachel were inspired to paint these" Violet told us.

Her and Rachel uncovered the walls and they were amazing the first wall was of the first titian war the second wall was of the war with Gaia the third was of Apollo and Megs adventures. "Vi these is amazing" Leo said "thanks me and Rachel worked really hard on it" she said.

"Yeah we painted everything on the tapes and some of them from my memory" Rachel said "these are great guys" Percy said. I looked at the walls they were really good and they had painted everything I was looking the part of it where Bianca was stabbing a Skelton.

I stayed behind with Violet everyone else left to go set up the party for tonight "do you like it" she asked me while I was lost in thought. "Yeah it's very life like" I answered which was true it was the painting of Tartarus seemed all to real from my nightmares.

I had also noticed the bags under Violet's eyes she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks "have you been sleeping okay Violet" I asked. She sighed "no I keep having these really bad nightmares" she replied "about what" I asked her.

"I'm in this cave and I hear this voice and it keeps drawing me in telling me that it can give me answers then there's a pit then I fall into infinite darkness". "So this voice is calling to you in your dreams" I said "yeah" she said looking at the ground.

"Well I can't help you with the voice problem but think that I can help with the sleep problem" I told her. "How" she said her voice had a desperate tone "sleeping draught it helps me with my nightmares and it should help you to" I answered.

We went to the infirmary and got Violet a bottle of sleeping draught and we went back to our cabin then we went over to bunker nine to meet the others. I knocked on the door and Leo let us they were all sitting in a circle then we joined them "we just about to play truth or dare you want to play" Piper asked us.

We both joined the game and was going really well until Violet picked truth from Rachel "Violet why do always ware that jean jacket" she asked. "It was a gift from my great, great, great grandmother Alice she told me that it would protect me and it's also good for covering the scars" Violet replied.

"What scars" I asked her everyone was looking at her now but locked eyes with Leo "I'll show them mine if you show them yours" Leo told Violet. "Fine" Violet said then she took off her jacket Leo took wipe and took the makeup off his arms.

They both had thin white scars made by themselves with a razor blade running up and down their arms and marks from needles where they had shot drugs in there arms.

The game ended soon after and we all made our way to the party there was a lot of dancing and Leo was DJing then it was almost midnight we had started counting down from ten. Then I kissed Will after everyone I noticed was looking in shock at the middle of the dance floor.

They were looking at Violet and Drew who were kissing them there was a lot of cheering then as per camp tradition we lifted them up and threw them into the lake. After the party me and Violet headed up to our cabin.

And I knew this was going to be a good year.

I didn't know how wrong I was going to be about that though.

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