Shadow Coma Part 1

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Percy's POV:
We ran to the infirmary as fast as we could I was carrying Violet she was surprisingly light we ran into Leo and Jason on the way there. "What happened to Violet" Will asked when we arrived I set her down on an empty cot.

"She used to much of her powers" Nico answered "how did she do that the black fire thing" I asked. "I don't know" Nico said "you aren't the one who has been teaching her how to use her powers" Leo asked.

"No what did she say" Nico said "just that she was learning to how to use her powers, I assumed that you were teaching her" Leo answered. "Well I definitely didn't and neither did Hazel cause she would of told me" Nico stated.

Violet began to glow black and had shadows surrounding her "what's happening to Violet" Jason asked. "It's a shadow coma" Nico said "what's that" I asked "it's when you use so much of your powers that you put yourself into a coma it shows you every single one of your bad memories to try to get you to give up" Nico answered.

"Give up on what" Jason asked "life" Leo answered "yes" Nico said then Violet eyes shot open and her were completely black. Then her hand grabbed my arm and I felt myself falling asleep and I heard someone yelling my name.

Then I was in a park there were three kids in front of me a girl with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes, a kid who I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy with short green hair and two different shades of brown eyes the kid reminded me of Alex Fierro.

The third kid was a little girl with long brown hair tied back into a ponytail and she had blue eyes she also wore a jean jacket and I knew she was a younger Violet. "Hello Percy" Violet said but it was the Violet I knew not the younger one "where are we" I asked present Violet.

"My memories" she answered "who are they" I asked pointing at the three kids "the blonde haired one is my cousin Emma. The one with the green hair is my cousin Sky and the one with the brown hair is a younger me" she answered.


Nico's POV:

"What just happened to Percy"Jason yelled "she somehow took him into her shadow coma" I answered.

"Wait so Percy is going to see all of her bad memories" Leo said looking really pale "yeah why are you so worried" I asked. "There a memory where I told her about my past" Leo said "why does that matter" Jason asked "it doesn't matter I'm going to go find Annabeth" Leo said before leaving.

"I'm going to go talk to him" Jason said before following Leo out of the infirmary then Will turned to me. "How do you know so much about shadow comas" Will asked me "I've had a few" I replied looking away from him.

"How many times" he asked "ten" I answered "did you ever want to give up" Will asked "I did until I had a reason not to" I replied. "And what reason is that" he asked smirking "Hazel and you" I replied.

I walked over to Violet her eyes were closed but she still had black shadows surrounding her body. "She doesn't deserve this" I said "she going to come back Violet's tough" Will said "yeah and when she comes back I want to know who's been teaching her"


Percy's POV:
Violet's memories were so far bad she was right her mom, step dad, and sister did treat her like a freak. Then we came to the next memory it was just Violet swimming in a pool by herself then the water seemed to be pushing her down then the air smelled like ozone and then lightning stuck her.

"How did you not die" I asked her "you'll see" she replied then memory Violet began to glow and was lifted out of the pool then three old ladies were in front of her. They were the fates "who are you" memory Violet "were friends here to warn you" "about what"she asked "your curse" they said.

" the fates will not have you dead your eighteenth birthday you shall dread you must rise to fall or lose the ones that you care about most of all" they said.

Then they dispersed the next memory began

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