I punch someone in the face

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Violet's POV:
Today was the strangest day of my life first a bunch of weird kids just showed up at my house then they dragged me a very long bus ride where they told me that I was lied to my whole life and they had told me that I was supposed to be dead.

Unfortunately it's true because of that day July 7 2012 and they but they didn't know what happened and then my breakdown where I had mentioned that I was homeless for 2 years after I ran away from home.

Yeah and now I was getting a tour of the camp I had been dragged to. "yeah so we've already seen the dining pavilion, the big house, the arena, the lake, the cabins and the lava wall so all that's left is the archery range" Percy said.

We walked to the range there were a dozen targets lined up a bunch of bows and hundreds of arrows. "Can I try" I asked Percy "sure do you know how to" Percy asked "yeah I'm a bit rusty at it though" I said.

"Can I leave you here for just one minute I promise that I'll be right back" Percy said "sure" I said he ran a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes she wore a orange camp half blood shirt and blue shorts.

I went back to shooting arrows I shot 20 arrows and all 20 of them had hit the bullseye. "your pretty good at that new girl" a girl said she had brown hair and was wearing way to much makeup an orange camp shirt and pink shorts.

"I'm Drew" she said "I'm Violet" I answered "you might be an Apollo kid the way you shoot those arrows" she said. "I wish I'm apparently have my fate set in stone" I said "Drew come on"a distant voice yelled "I got to go see you round" she said "yeah see you round" I said.

Percy was walking back with the blonde haired girl with the grey eyes "Violet I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Annabeth Violet, Violet Annabeth" Percy said.

"Hey" I said "so your the new hero from Canada" she asked "I don't know about the hero part but yeah I'm from Canada" I answered. "Did you shoot all those arrows Violet" Percy asked "yeah guess I'm not that rusty" I said.

"Yeah no kidding you shoot 20 bullseyes" Annabeth said. "Well three years of archery lessons payed off" I replied "anyway it's lunch time you want to go eat" Percy said "sure" I said I put the bow back and picked up the sketchbook I had gotten out of the craft hall.

We started walking over when I noticed a Latino kid with curly hair it couldn't be Leo even I wasn't that unlucky right? Wrong. "Percy who's that kid" I asked pointing at the Leo lookalike.

"That's Leo" he said "Leo Valdez" I said my voice starting to shake with anger "yeah you know him" Annabeth asked. I didn't answer I walked over to Leo and yelled "hey Valdez" Leo turned around he paled when he saw me.

"Violet" he said "yeah remember me the girl who said that you'd never abandon than turned over to CPS" I said angrily. "Violet I'm sorry" he said then I punched him in the face "I don't need your apologies I don't need anything from you" I said then I stormed off to where Percy had showed me where the lake was.

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