The weirdest day of my life

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Violets POV:

do you ever have days where you just think it couldn't possibly get any weirder well I was having one of those days. These five weirdos had just showed up at my house and we're now taking me to some summer camp.

We were sitting on a bus from here to New York didn't even know that we had a bus to New York I didn't even know they other four kids names only one of them had introduced him self to me.

Sitting on the left side of me was one of the kids he had black hair and  he had dark brown eyes he wore a n aviator jacket a black shirt and pants I also noticed that he was twisting a skull ring on his finger.

The kid sitting across from him was tall with blond hair and blue eyes he wore glasses an orange shirt that the three letters CHB on it and grey shorts was giving the kids across from him a consured look.

Sitting next to the blonde guy was the only kid who had bothered to tell me there name Percy Jackson he had black hair and sea green eyes he also wore an orange CHB shirt and blue shorts.

The girl sitting next to Percy was falling asleep she had dark skin and hair and I couldn't see eyes because they were closed she wore a purple shirt with the letters SPQR on it and black shorts.

And the last of the five kids was a girl sitting on my right she had short black hair and blue eyes she wore a black  jacket and pants she also wore a sliver shirt and what looked like a tiaria she also had a bow arrows.

There was no one else on the bus expect us and the driver so I  worked up the nerve to ask what was going on "I don't mean to be rude but what is going on" I asked.

The blonde guy looked at me like he was about to give a speech at a funeral and trust me I know that look "well we should probably start with our names I'm Jason Grace you already know Percy the girl falling asleep is Hazel Leveque the girl next to you is Thalia Grace and the boy next to you is Nico di Angelo" he said.

"We were sent by your dad to bring you to camp" Thalia said "my dad has never mentioned anything about a summer camp"I said Percy sighed "Violet what do you know about Greek mythology" Percy asked "I've read a bunch of stuff on Greek,Roman,Epytion, and Norse mythology"I answered.

"This camp we're taking you to it's one of the only safe places for kids like you and us" Jason said "what do you mean kids like me and you"I asked "half bloods half mortal and half God" Thalia said.

"So your saying that my dad isn't really my Dad and my real dad is a God" I said "yeah pretty much" Percy said that's when it all sunk in they were right and that was the reason he had hated me."I am going to kill my mom she lied to me my entire life and let him treat me like a freak"I said shaking with anger.

"yeah we know that it's a lot to take in"Jason said. "No why would the fact that my entire life has been a lie be a lot to take in" I said sarcastically.

Nico the kid that was sitting next to me just laughed and said "maybe she's your sister Percy she's got your sarcasm".

"Why does my dad even want me there for anyway he left me alone for 13 years and now he wants me there for what" I said

That was the one question that I wish they hadn't answered.

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