Valentines Day part 2

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Nico's POV:
It was 2:37 am when Will ripped me away from my nightmares when he had seen me crying in my sleep. He just wrapped his arms around me and held me as I sobbed into his shirt until I was done crying then he brushed my hair out of my eyes and wiped my tear tracks away with his thumb.

Me and Will had sleeping on the pull out couch in the living room, Calypso,Leo, Percy, and Annabeth were sleeping in the guest room and Violet was sleeping on the air mattress in Emma's room. We were leaving tomorrow morning today was the memorial service for Sky so we decided to go back to sleep.

Will is deep sleeper so he had no trouble with getting back to sleep with him spooning me and his arms around me. I on the other hand could never get back to sleep after I woke up no matter how comforting Will was.

It was now 3:23 am I could tell because I could see the tiny green lit up clock on the microwave in the kitchen from the pull out couch. Then I saw Violet come silently down the stairs if I hadn't see her I would have never heard her come down the stairs I guess that's how she and Leo had broken into places when they were on the streets.

She was wearing black ripped jeans, a plain black shirt and her jean jacket I also noticed she had dyed a stipe of her hair purple. She made her way out side without even making a sound and closed the door behind her I decided to follow her and untangled myself from Wills embrace grabbed my jacket and followed her out into the dark.

Violet stopped walking when she got to the middle of the sidewalk where I finally caught up to her. "What are you doing here so early" I asked her she looked startled then calmed down when she realized it was me.

"Just taking a trip down memory lane" she told me "so why the middle of the side walk" I asked her. "This" she said pointing at the piece of sidewalk in front of her "is where Sky got shot after she pushed me out of the way then bled out in my arms and died" Violet explained.

"Are you going to be up for this today" I asked her "yeah I just don't want to be alone with my mom today and it's just painful to think about Sky right now" she replied.

We made our way back to the house and I crawled back into the pull out bed and wrapped Will's arms around me again. A few hours later we were all headed to the memorial service for Sky and I saw Violet mother, sister, and stepfather in the crowd.

There were very few people that came I was guessing because Violet had told me that most of the people in this town were homophobic and that would also explain why her parents and sister had discussed looks on their faces. This old guy talked for an hour about how Sky was a child was taken to young and Emma and Violet held hands as the memorial service went on.

After the memorial service for Sky had end we made our way back to Violet's aunt's house we packed up our stuff because we were leaving tomorrow morning. We were all in the kitchen talking when Violet's mother walked in the door "hello Mary nice to see you" Violet's aunt said.

Violet's mother tried to go over towards Violet but Emma stepped in front of her blocking her from Violet. "What are you doing here" Emma demanded "I came to see my daughter is that a crime" Violet's mother asked.

"You have no right to..." "Em, I can handle her" Violet said cutting her off mid sentence Emma moved out of the way glaring daggers at Violet's mother. "What do you want" Violet asked calmly " to talk to you" she replied "you had plenty of chances to talk to me and tell me the truth" Violet answered.

"So you just never want to see or talk to me anymore" her mother asked "after everything you've put me though yeah I never want see or talk to you again" Violet answered. "Fine then I'll just leave then" and she did a few hours later we went to sleep it was so peaceful and quiet out here unlike New York the city that never slept I almost fell asleep instantly.

The next day we were leaving we thanked Violet's aunt for letting us stay there and Violet hugged Emma good bye and promised to write. We got on the bus headed back to New York I had enjoyed our little break from camp.

But I had no idea about the nightmare that was waiting for us back at camp.

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