Shadow Coma Part 2

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Leo's POV:
I walked out of the infirmary to go find Annabeth but Jason followed me and I was not in the mood to talk about what just happened. "Leo why did you leave right after we brought up your past" Jason asked.

"Percy going to find out soon enough then I'm going to have to tell you guys anyway" I snapped at him. "What are you talking about" Jason asked "just drop it" I said "fine but when Violet and Percy wake up we're going to talk about this" Jason replied.

We found everyone in the training arena and explained what happened then we ran towards the infirmary. Me, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel, Piper, Nico, Will, and Calypso all stood there waiting for Violet and Percy to wake up.

Percy POV:
"So just to clear everything up most of your family treated you like a freak then they shipped you out to a gay conversation camp where you were raped. And you keep telling me that it gets worse" I said "yeah that about sums it up" present Violet said.

Then the next memory started younger Violet, Sky, and Emma were walking down a snow covered sidewalk. "Wow that a lot of snow" I said "yeah we get snow here from November to May" Violet said "what day is this" I asked "February 14 the worst day of the year" she said.

"You hate Valentine's Day, why" I asked "well you're going to see why in minute" Violet answered. "Come on Violet all were doing is picking up the ice cream cake getting the rest of the junk food and then watching all of the Star Wars movies it's exactly what you wanted for your birthday" Emma said.

"Wait Valentine's Day is also your birthday" I asked "yeah but that's not why I hate it" she said. "I know Emma I'm just sick of the birthday curse every single time something terrible happens every year is worse than the last" younger Violet said.

"Hang on I forget my wallet I need to get the cake I'll be right back I'll meet you at the gazebo" Emma said running towards the house. Younger Violet and Sky were walking towards a gazebo when this middle age man started yelling at Violet and Sky he said some words I won't repeat regarding Violet's sexuality and Sky's gender.

Then the took out a gun and pointed it at younger Violet then Sky pushed her out of the way the guy shot Sky then he ran. Violet and Emma who had just come back were holding Sky they had called the hospital for an ambulance but it was to late Sky was dead.

"That's why I hate Valentine's Day" present Violet said tears were running down her face "I'm so sorry" I said. "That's why I'm going home for a week in February because we're having a memorial service and I didn't want Emma to be there alone" she said.

"I'm sorry Violet" I said "well it only gets worse from here" she said.
Leo's POV:
Three hours, Percy and Violet had been in a shadow coma for three hours and everyone was getting worried. I knew all about Violet's terrible memories and what happened to her at home and the streets me and Magnus were the ones who who had helped her.

"Leo how many bad memories does Violet have" Annabeth asked "she has more bad than good memories" I said. "Why did walk out after we asked you about past" Jason asked I knew that Percy was going to find out about my past in Violet's then I would have tell them might as well get it over with now.

"Because I told Violet every about my past and I've told basically nothing about my past" I said "why would you tell her and not us" Piper asked. "Because I didn't know you guys back then and Violet understands why I did what I did you guys would never understand" I said.

"Leo I'm your girlfriend you can tell anything" Calypso "that's exactly why I can't tell you" I said. "Why" she asked making me look her in the eyes "because then when you know you'll leave me" I answered. "Leo I love you and I am not going to leave you ever so please just tell me what's so bad about your past" she said She was holding my hands in hers.

"Ok just don't interrupt please" I said Calypso kissed me lightly on my lips "ok" she said. "It all went wrong when was eight Gaia showed up at my moms workshop said that she couldn't kill me so she was going to kill my mom. I tried to stop her with my fire powers but she used them against me and burned the building to the ground then I was put in the foster system. The first five weren't terrible but they weren't home at the sixth home I had an abusive foster parent I ran away again.

I started doing drugs and drinking that worked for a while then I started cutting it was a temporary solution to my permanent problem. I got help from my friend on the streets Magnus he got me clean and then a few months later he asked me to help him with his friend.

He said that his friend had the same problem that I had that's how I meet Violet and after we got caught I only relapsed twice. Once the first day we got here I did Xanax and the second time I cut it was after Gaia had me fire on camp Jupiter that's it that's my terrible story" I said.

Calypso had tears in her eyes she hugged me and for the first time in years I broke down and sobbing while she held me. A few minutes later I looked up Jason and Piper also had tears in their eyes Hazel, Annabeth, Nico, and Will just looked shocked I slowly let go of Calypso.

Piper and Jason stood up and walked towards me then grab me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "did I miss something" Violet said then she started coughing "oh thank the gods your alive" I said then I hugged her she flinched and I let go.

Percy sat up he was shaking Annabeth sat down next to him and hugged him then Nico and Will came over. "Are you alright Violet" Nico asked "yeah I'm okay" she said "I'm not" Percy said.

Violet tried to stand up but her legs gave out and she fell Will tried to help her up but she got up by herself. "Where did you learn to use your powers Violet because I didn't teach you and neither did Hazel" Nico asked.

"A ghost said dad sent him to teach me" she said "why didn't you tell me" he asked "it didn't seem important" she said. "You almost died and you aren't telling us something and Leo won't tell me so what is it that no one is telling us about you" Nico said.

"I'M GOING TO DIE WHEN I TURN EIGHTEEN" she yelled back then she walked out of the infirmary no even tried to stop her.

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