The Beginning of the war

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Percy POV:
We were all here together at camp half blood after two months apart from each other I was in the big house looking at the painting the Violet and Rachel had done of our story. I was looking at the part about Tartarus it looked just like it did in my nightmares when Violet walked in to the big house.

"Hey Percy what are you doing" she asked me "just looking at the painting" I answered "hey how did you paint this so realistic" I asked her. "I see it in my nightmares when I fall into this pit" she told me "what pit" I asked her.

"For years I've been having this nightmare about this pit that keeps drawing me in then I fall into this pit and I see this place Nico tried to help me with sleeping draught but it's not working" she told me.

"You're seeing Tartarus" I said "yeah and I don't know why" she said "I started seeing the pit when Kronos made me see it in my nightmares" I told her. "So you're saying that someone is making me see it in my nightmares" She said.

"yeah" I replied "so what should I do about it" she asked me "what I did find out who's giving the nightmares and find out what they want" I told her.

We made our way over to the arena then We made our way over to Grover, Juniper, and Annabeth Me and Grover hugged. "Vi this is my best friend Grover and his girlfriend Juniper" I told her.

"Grover from the stories" said asked "yeah this is him" I answered "hey don't I know you" Violet asked Juniper. Juniper looked like she had been caught in an act of something "no I don't think you do" she said.

"Yeah I do you were that kid from my school the one who ran the garden club, the conversation camp and the streets in Boston" she answered. "Violet what are you talking about" Annabeth asked "I see her at least once a year no matter where I am" she replied.

"Why" I asked "because I was asked to check on Violet once a year" Juniper said "who asked you to" Violet asked. "Lady Persephone asked me to" Juniper answered "why would she ask you to check on Violet" I asked.

"Because she wanted to make sure you were alive after what she had done to your mother and she also mentioned something about ruining your life" Juniper answered. "What" Violet said her hands were shaking then she fell to her knees shadows started rising around her.

"What should we do" I asked Annabeth "get Rachel she can stop her from possessed, Grover go get Rachel she's in the big house" Annabeth answered. Grover ran to get Rachel and Violet was surrounded by shadows and 50 foot black rocks and black flames.

Grover came back with Rachel, Nico, Will, Leo and Calypso Rachel put her hand on Violet's shoulder and she glowed green the shadows dissolved and the flames were gone. "You okay Violet" Nico asked Violet looked up at him her eyes were still pitch black and she started screaming.

"Why isn't it working she's still being possessed" Nico said "Nico you need to take some of the darkness out of her" Will said. Nico took some darkness out until her eyes went back to indigo Violet looked panicked then ran out of the arena and into the woods.
Violet's POV:
I was screaming in pain from the visions and the blinding pain of the whispers trying to take over my mind. Then it stopped and I ran out of there as fast as could and into the woods my skull necklace was glowing.

I stopped running when I reached the middle of the woods and the simmering appeared again and became Minos. "Minos what going on" I asked "I found a way to possess you without your friend Rachel interfering" he said.

"What" I said "yes and I've kept you and Leo kept away from Magnus" he said "what's he got to do with this" I asked. "No more questions you now become my puppet and you will raise the spirit world" he said and then the whispers and the shadow started rising again and I needed to find everyone.
Leo's POV:
We were all looking for Violet at the lake when she came running out of the woods shadows rising off of her. "Leo" she said grabbing my shoulders "what's happening" I asked her "it's Minos" she said.

"He's going mind control me you need to get Magnus he's the only one who can help me" she said then a ghost appeared "You can not resist forever" he said. "If I give in will you leave them alone" she said "yes" he said then she became surrounded by shadows and screaming then she stopped.

Her indigo eyes became pitch black and lifeless then the ghost took her though a transparent portal then she was gone

Later on

"What are we going to do" Nico said "me, you, and Annabeth are going to Boston and we're going to save Violet" I said.
A/N thank you so much to everyone who reads this I really appreciate it and book two will be up sometime next week.

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