Chapter 16

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I was slowly waking up from getting some rest. I just gave birth to Hope 10 hours ago. As my eyes slowly began to open I heard Niall whispering loud enough for me to hear. I turn over and see him carrying Hope in his arms. They looked so cute.

"Im going to spoil you and be very protective. I love you so much look just like your mother, very beautiful, I know you'll have the same big heart like her as well," I overheard Niall.

I chuckled softly enough for Niall to hear me.

"Babe, your awake. I was just talking to Hope, and telling her how beautiful you and her are," he said as he came near my bed.

"I overheard," I chuckled.

"Would you like to hold her?"


I just couldn't get enough of how perfect she was. She was so tiny.

"I can't believe that we actually made her...we made her together, with our love...," Niall said.

He laid in bed with me and we began to cuddle while I held the baby. I can't believe I actually have a family for once in my life. I was finally going to raise a family with the one man I loved.

"Oh, by the way, the lads and the girls are coming today to visit you and Hope, they're really excited to meet her," Niall said.

"That's perfect. I can't wait...," I gave Niall a soft sweet kiss.

Hope was such a quiet baby. She hardly cried, but only being 10 hours old, she already had the same appetite as her father.

It was noon. I was carrying Hope in my arms and feeding her, her formula. I saw Perrie and Zayn enter the room. The hospital only let 2 people visit me, Niall, and Hope at once.

"Aww! Congrats you two!" Zayn said.

"She looks so adorable!" Perrie squealed.

"Would you guys like to hold her?" I asked them.

They both nodded as I handed Hope over to Niall so he could take it to them. He handed her to Perrie as her and Zayn couldn't take their eyes off her.

"She's so perfect! She looks just like NeeNee but has so many of Niall's features," Perrie said.

"She's has your nose NeeNee," Zayn chuckled. I laughed in response.

"Well now that we have you guys here alone, we've been wanting to ask you guys something," I began.

"We thought a lot about it, but have made our choice. Would you guys like to be Hope's godparents?" Niall asked.

Perrie gasped and Zayn's eyes grew wide.

"You guys want us to be the godparents.....? Yes! Of course!" Perrie said with excitement.

"We'd love too! She's a real special girl and I know that we're already going to spoil her as if she were our own," Zayn said with a smile.

After a while, it was Ella and Harry's turn to come and see Hope.

"Hello...?" Ella asked as she knocked on the door.

"Hey guys! Come in, come in." I instructed them to come in.

"Oh my...., she's so beautiful." Ella said.

"She's such a perfect little girl! She came out very beautiful. You and Niall did a good job," cheeky Harry said as he smiled.

"Would you guys like to hold her?" Niall asked.

"Can we?" Ella asked.

"Of course!" Niall said.

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