Chapter 49

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The doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Niall ran to the door.

He opened the door to reveal Maura along with Greg, Denise, and Theo.

"Merry Christmas!" Maura hugged Niall.

"Hello mum! I've missed you!" Niall gave her a little peck on the cheek.

Niall invited them in while I was just finishing making some brownies for everyone.

"So Niall where's the wife and the kids?" Greg sat down on the sofa.

Before Niall could speak, Cian and Ciar came running downstairs.

"Grandma! Uncle Greg! Auntie Denise!" The twins both screamed with excitement.

"Oh my goodness! Look how much you've grown!" Denise smile. "Here are presents that your cousin Theo got you guys,"she handed them neatly wrapped gifts.

"I sure hope you guys like them," Theo said.

"Wow! I got new race car!" Cian said.

"I got new Barbie!" Ciar said.

"Is there something you would like to tell you cousin Theo?" Niall reminded the twins.

"Thank you cousin Theo!" They both said in sync.

The twins began to play with there toys. I finally finished putting the powdered sugar on the brownies and took the tray into the family room.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" I greeted.

"Well Merry Christmas NeeNee! You look absolutely beautiful!" Maura said admiring my outfit.

"Aw thank you! You don't look bad yourself," I gave my mother-in-law a hug.

"Merry Christmas NeeNee!" Greg and Denise both said as they stood up to hug me.

"Merry Christmas! And Merry Christmas to you too, Theo," I leaned down to hug the 12 year old boy.

"Merry Christmas Aunt NeeNee! Is Hope here?" He asked.

"She upstairs in her room, you can just head on up there okay," I patted Theo's head.

He nodded and made his way upstairs.

"So how has everything been?" Greg asked.

"Fine. We actually just flew back into London last night," Niall said.

"Right in time for Christmas. Is everything going good for Hope?" Maura asked.

"Yes it is. She loves acting and loves modeling. She actually just finished working on her next movie film," I am so proud of my daughter.

"9 years old and already so talented," Denise said.

Niall's hand touched mine as we both looked into each other's eyes proud.

After catching up with everyone and just talking, we decided to exchange gifts.

"Okay, so this one is from Greg and I," Denise handed both Niall and I a gift.

Niall quickly opened it to reveal two tickets to go on vacation to Rome.

"Oh my gosh! You shouldn't have. Two tickets to Rome?" I gasped.

"We thought you two could use a little break since you have both been working so much and still been busy even more with Hope as well," Greg pointed out.

"But who will take care of the kids? We sort of gave up on having a Nanny help us out," Niall asked.

"We'll keep and eye on them for you guys for the two weeks! Don't worry," Greg smiled.

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