Chapter 7

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She looked at me with a surprised impression which began to turn into a smile.

"You want me? I can't believe this...of course I will!! Your my best friend! It would be my honor to be your Maid Of Honor!" Ella said.

I decided to choose Ella since she was the closest to me more then the rest of the girls. I mean we go on tour together, record songs, and have known each other longer then the other girls.

Ella hugged me as tight as she could until she let go.

"Oops! Sorry I'm just too excited! I forgot your pregnant"

"Ella, it's okay, I know you meant no harm, besides your excited, I get it," I laughed.

"Well? Let's celebrate!" She said eagerly.

I poured her a glass of wine. I wish I could've had some but I can't have any alcohol while pregnant so I just stuck with water.

"So when's your next appointment at the doctors office to check on the baby?" Ella asked as we began to are dinner.

"Next week. I've been craving so many weird things lately, it's funny how Niall tries it and almost throws up," I laughed.

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad. Tell me one thing you craved that was 'so disgusting.'"

"Well, this morning I put a chocolate Hershey bar inside of pickle juice and then mixed it with the yolk of an egg."

Ella nearly threw up her food. It was funny though.

"Woah! I didn't mean for you to make me lose my appetite."

I smirked and just moved on to eating my food.

Later that night after Niall got home, we began to get ready for bed.

"So I'm guessing the girls were okay with you picking Ella to be you Maid Of Honor?" Niall asked as he sat in bed.

"Yeah, they didn't really mind since they know it's a tough choice to make and they're still going to be a bridesmaid." I laughed.

"Well you know babe, your bump isn't that big still and the doctor did say it's still safe to have sexual activity and..." his face began to get read.

I got in bed and sat on his lap and pulled his head towards me to kiss him. It began to get heated and Niall turned us around so he was on top now and we just kept making out. Little by little though it began to get better.....

It's march 10. The wedding is almost here. There would be times where I would cry because all at last minute I realized I didn't have a father to walk me down the aisle.

My dad was always a person who didn't care about me and just wanted to bring home prostitutes every day and get high and do drugs and would let all his "friends" who were hookers treat me bad and at times even beat me up and make me do stuff for them.

My mom. She was a lady who had so much love and patience. But child services took me away from her since my dad would always beat her up and threaten her and she couldn't take care of us anymore. I can't believe though that until I was 10 the cops finally arrested my dad even though they would always get calls of yelling and screaming and beating going on in our small house.

I know I won't ever be like that with my child or even let them experience something as tragic as that. And I'm glad I became a better person today and very wealthy to afford things in life that I never got when I was younger.

My adoptive mother, Dianna arrived in London a few days ago and was currently staying in a hotel.

"Okay I'll be back to pick you up in an hour, call me if anything princess," Niall said as I got out of the car.

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