Chapter 48

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"Ready to go home?" I asked Hope as I zipped up Cian and Ciar's luggage.

"More ready than I'll ever be!" Hope let out a breath with a big smile on her face.

"Where's daddy?" Cian asked.

"He's downstairs waiting for us," I answered.

It's been five years since Hope got her big break in a kids series and has now been the star of some huge movies. Niall and I couldn't be more proud of our daughter. She is currently 11 years old and Ciar and Cian will be 8 soon.

"Hello sweetheart!" Niall kissed my lips. "And hello my little potatos!"

"Hi daddy! Do we finally get to go home?" Ciar asked.

"Yes we are. Your mother and I are finally taking a break from work and your sister is finally finished working on her movie," Niall replied.

There are so many paparazzi outside just waiting to take pictures of our family. Niall and I have really rose to even more fame after launching stuff together and I had finally made my own makeup and clothing line once again since I had to put things on hold when I found out I was pregnant with Hope.

Not to mention that now Hope is one of the biggest child stars today. She is in love with modeling and acting. Seeing her smile makes me smile.

When we got passed all the publicity, we had made it to the airport. It's almost time for Christmas which meant time to go home and be a normal family together.

"We're finally home!" Cian and Ciar shouted as we made our way into our mansion.

"It feels good to be home!" Hope ran straight to her room.

"It feels like it's been forever," Niall whispered.

"I've missed being home," I kissed his cheek.

"Mummy! It's almost time for Christmas tomorrow! Can we go to sleep early tonight!" Cian wrapped his arms around my leg.

"I don't know. You have to ask daddy," I said sarcastically.

"Pretty please daddy!" Ciar wrapped herself around Niall's leg.

"Alright. Santa should be here any minute so you two should be heading to bed anyway," Niall patted their heads.

"I'm going to be the first one to sleep!" Cian ran upstairs. "No me!" Ciar argued.

"Be careful darlings!" I laughed.

Niall and I went into the family room. We both kicked our shoes off. I sat down on Niall lap as he laid on the couch.

"I love you," Niall stared at me.

I smiled. "I love you too."

"NeeNee you and our kids are my whole world. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you so much, Niall. Thanks to you, I have my whole dream come true."

We shared a cute little kiss which then turned into a make out session. It began to get very intense before we heard the voice of one of our kids.

"Ew mum and dad!" Hope covered her eyes.

Niall and I both chuckled.

"Hi baby," I said.

"Mum, dad, I wanted to know if cousin Theo is coming over tomorrow?" Hope came and sat between Niall and I.

"Yes he will. As well as your grandmother and grandfather and your uncle Greg and aunt Dennise," Niall said.

"Grandma and grandpa are coming too!?" Hope's face lit up.

Niall and I both nodded.

"Yay!" She ran upstairs to her room. I'm guessing to go to bed in hopes for tomorrow coming faster.

I looked at our Christmas and decorations around the living room. I am really excited for another Christmas with my beautiful family.


The next morning Niall and I were cuddled together sleeping until we felt not one but two of our babies climb into bed with us.

"Santa came! Santa was here!!" We heard them both cheer.

I giggled and Niall groaned.

Cian and Ciar began hitting Niall with pillows.

"Merry Christmas daddy," I laughed.

Niall lifted his body and began to tickle the twins. 

"Daddy's gonna get you!" Niall pretended to be a monster.

The twins screamed with laughter and raced downstairs.

"Merry Christmas beautiful," Niall kissed me.

I giggled in between the kiss as Niall showered me with sloppy morning kisses.

We both got out of bed and went downstairs. I got some morning coffee for both Niall and I and then went to go sit on his lap while the kids opened their presents.

"What did Santa bring you guys?" I asked.

"I got a new helicopter!!" Cian said as he unwrapped the present.

"I got a new Barbie dream house !" Ciar squealed.

"What did mummy and daddy bring you two?" Niall asked as we both shot signals at each other.

"New teepee tents!" They both said in sync.

"Do you love them? Mommy and daddy got them custom made for you guys with your portraits on them," I grinned.

"Thank you mummy and daddy!"

Niall and I loved spoiling our kids. It put a smile in their faces and every moment with them brings me joy. I love to give them things that they love. My parents would barely afford to give me food and buy me clothes as a kid. 

"Hi dad, hi mum," Hope came into the room sleepily.

"Hello darling!" Niall smiled at her.

Hope sat next to Niall.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing just tired," she answered.

"Well here, open this. I think you're going to love it," I handed Hope her present. "It's from me and your dad."

Niall winked at me. I blew him a kiss.

Hope's face went blank. She smiled big and hugged both Niall and I.

"I LOVE YOU MUM AND DAD!" She screamed.

The twins looked at their sister as if she were crazy.

Niall and I had both gotten Hope the camera she has been dying for. Since she loves modeling, she loves photography and has been wanting a new camera that was at a ridiculous but understanding price. Every time she asked us for the camera we would shrug it off and say next time when really we just wanted to surprise her for Christmas.

"Do you like it?" Niall asked.

"I love it! Thank you both so much!" She gave us each a kiss on the cheek and kissed her little brother and sister too as she began to try to set up her new camera.

"It feels good to be home," Niall said.

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