Chapter 14

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It's been a month after we finally found Harry and Ella. I was so glad they were okay. They were badly hurt but lucky to be alive.

I couldn't stop thinking about all the drama Eric caused for us. I should stop worrying though. He was finally arrested and now all I had to focus on was my pregnancy and how supportive Niall has been.

I was currently 8 months pregnant. I was almost ready to deliver my baby girl. I couldn't wait.

Today was the day of my baby shower. I was really exited. As much as I wanted to help arrange everything, Eleanor insisted I rest while she would take charge.

I was so lucky to have friends like her, Perrie, Sophia, and Ella.

Me and Niall decided to have it in our backyard. It was pretty huge and it was summer so we thought it would be beautiful to have it outside.

The girls had me and Niall wait upstairs in our room all day to make it a surprise.

"Can we come downstairs now?" I yelled from upstairs.

"Yes! Everything is ready!" Eleanor yelled.

I was wearing a wearing a white sundress that turned turquoise as it reached the bottom with my hair straightened.

Me and Niall made our way downstairs hand and hand. As we went outside, everyone was standing with big smiles on their faces.

"SURPRISE!" They all yelled.

I smiled. Me and Niall looked over to each other and gave each other a quick kiss.

Everything was decorated in a sparkling hot pink color. I loved hot pink. I really hated light pink.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much! It's so beautiful!" I squealed.

"It's all for you guys and the baby!" Eleanor shouted.

I walked up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Your one of my best friends ever! I love you!" I told her.

"Thanks! Your like my sister! I love you too!"

Throughout the evening we played some super hilarious games. All which I included a lot of baby products.

It was time for presents. Me and Niall both sat down together. Eleanor was going to be passing us presents as we opened them.

"This one here is from me and Louis," she handed me a present.

"Aww! It's a tiny bathing suit!"

It was a one piece bathing suit. It was hot pink with white pocka dots and had a tutu at the waist.

"Thank you!" I said.

"This one here is from Perrie and Zayn,"

I quickly opened it. It was a purple onesie that said 'Daddy's Little Princess.' It was so adorable.

"Aww! Niall look! It's too cute!" I said.

"For my baby princess!" He smiled.

"Thanks Perrie and Zayn!" I blew them a kiss.

"Here's one from Sophia and Liam," Eleanor handed me a huge present.

I unwrapped it as quick as I could. It was a baby high chair which also included two baby bibs, four bottles, and cute pink tiny little baby boots.

"That is too adorable! I love it! Thanks guys!" Niall said to Liam and Sophia.

"It's so cute!" I said.

"Now the last one is from Ella and Harry," Eleanor handed me the last gift.

I opened it. It was so cute! It was a tiny shirt that said 'NeeNee G's Biggest Fan' with my picture from my recent album. Also another tiny shirt that said 'I ❤️ 1D.'

"This is so cute!! Thank you guys so much!! I love it!" I said.

The rest of the evening everyone just hung out and talked. All their gifts were so amazing! I felt so grateful. I love my life.

After we said all our goodbyes to everyone. Me and Niall sat on the couch.

"The night isn't over yet," Niall said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I still have one more present for you and our daughter."

"Niall you shouldn't have."

"Well I do. C'mon."

He helped me get up from the couch. He held my hand as he directed me upstairs.

"The reason I haven't let you come inside this room was because I was busy making this surprise for you..." he said.

He opened the door. It was so beautiful. I couldn't believe he did this all by himself. I felt like crying. I love Niall so much.

He made the baby's nursery. The walls were painted pink. On the center of the wall where the crib was it said 'Hope.' There was a white drawer and a white soft chair. There was a shelf with stuff animals and little toys. It was so beautiful.

"Niall you did all this?" I asked.

"I made it all for you and Hope," he said as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I love it so much! I love you..." I turned my head back to kiss him.

I couldn't explain my love for Niall. Him and me had a special connection. He understood me and loved me when no one else did. I couldn't ask for anyone else but him.

It's been 3 weeks. I could give birth any day now.

I invited Sophia over to have some tea with me while the boys were at the studio recording their new album.

"So how's the pregnancy been?" Sophia asked as she took a sip from her tea.

"It's going great, she kicks way too much though. She is defiantly going to be into football just like her dad," I laughed as Sophia laughed as well.

"Looks like she wants to come into the world already,"

"Ha, yeah she does. I can't wait to meet her,"

Me and Sophia just continued to talk and have some laughs.

Then I felt my jeans get wet. I began to panic.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed.

"NeeNee what's wrong?!" Sophia asked concerned.

"My water broke! The baby is coming!"

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