Chapter 10

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I woke up from the little sunlight that that was shining from the closed blinds.

I saw Niall sleeping peacefully like a baby as he kept his arm around my waist. He looked so cute.

I began to remember the amazing time we had last night. I saw my finger and played with my wedding ring. It was so beautiful. It was a huge diamond with rhinestones around it.

I sat up on the bed as a covered my chest with the blanket, since I was still naked from last night. I looked on the floor and saw our clothes thrown all over the place like nothing.

I couldn't help but smile. I laid back down and kissed Niall's cheek. He slowly woke up.

"Well look who's up," I laughed.

"Morning beautiful, did you love last night?" He said with a smirk.

"It was the best time I've ever had..." I said as I played with his hair.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me on top of him. I squealed and laughed.

"You know, I wouldn't mind going for round two," he smirked again.

"Looks like someone is desperate for more."

I leaned my head down to kiss him. We just laid there making out for a moment or two.

"As much as I want you so bad right now babe, it's our honeymoon and we're in Hawaii, let's go do something." I pouted.

"Okay, how about we go on a private cruise and go sight seeing around Hawaii?"

"I love you so much!" I gave him a little peck on the nose.

I jumped off of Niall and out of bed. I put on a robe since I had no clothes on of course. Niall being the guy he is, smacked my bum.

"That's mine forever now," he laughed.

I smirked and made my way to the bathroom. I took a shower and afterwards put on some high waisted shorts with my bikini top and strappy sandals and sun glasses.

When we got to the cruise I wasn't feeling right. I felt nauseous and like throwing up.

"Babe, are you okay? If you want we can go do something else?" Niall asked.

"No, no, I'm fine." I lied.

Niall wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we sat down by the edge of the ship.

"Babe, your beginning to look pale, maybe we should just go. Yeah lets go," Niall said as he grabbed my hand and helped me up.

I took my arm back and turned around to throw up off the side of the ship. I felt like I was throwing up everything inside me.

"Princess, your definitely not okay, let's go," Niall grabbed me by the waist.

He told the captain about what had happened, to inform them that we had to leave.

We got back to the hotel. All I could think of was, why was I sick? Why today? Why during my honeymoon?

A week went by and the vomiting stopped but I began to get more and more nauseous. We decided to call my doctor.

As the receptionist answered the phone, she past it on to someone else since my doctor was on vacation or whatever. I wasn't in a mood to listen.

"Hello?" He said, he had a deep voice.

"Yeah hi, my name is NeeNee, I'm calling because I keep feeling very nauseous and vomiting very frequently and starting to get worried, it's been happening for a month now," I said.

"Hello Mrs. NeeNee, I'm Dr. Rigo, by any chance are you pregnant? Based on what your telling me, it sounds like your pregnant."

"Well I am, but..."

"Well if you are then I suggest staying in doors and getting some rest at all times."

Wow! And on my honeymoon. As I ended the call with Dr. Rigo, I began to cry.

"Babe what wrong?" Niall asked with a worried expression.

"Our honeymoon is ruined because of me needing to get rest!" I sobbed. "I'm so sorry Niall, I know how hard you worked on this trip. Being pregnant is making everything so hard!"

"Sweet heart, it's okay. We can always plan another trip here again someday, but our baby is a blessing and trust me in the end it's going to be worth it..."
He kissed my forehead.

After a month of being in Hawaii, we decided to go back to Ireland. At least we had some fun while in Hawaii. We did go sight seeing and did get to go see a few volcanos. It was really pretty.

We finally got home. Me and Niall were unpacking our stuff until he broke the silence.

"Babe! Your belly is bigger then when we were at the airport this morning!" Niall came towards me and put his hand on my stomach.

I didn't even notice it grew. I began to tear up. All I could think of was, there's a little human inside of me.

"Oh my...our baby! Wow! I really have a little us inside of me..." I put my hand on my stomach. I felt nothing but love for my child.

"I love you so much!" Niall said as he kissed me.

It was time. I was 5 months pregnant. Me and Niall were going to find out the gender of our baby today. We checked in and quickly got called up.

"I can't believe it! What do you think it is?" I asked Niall as I bit my lip.

"My guess is it's a boy. But if it's a girl, I'll love her just the same." He kissed my lips.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Horan!" Dr. Rigo said as he entered the room. "Ready to find out the gender of your child?" He asked while setting everything up.

"Yes! We're too excited!" I said, eager to find out already.

He rubbed this gel on my stomach that was so cold, I think I squealed.

The monitor came on with our baby on the screen.

I kept holding onto Niall's hand. I felt tears coming, I couldn't believe it. It was my baby. Even by looking at it through a screen I felt so much love for it.

"Ready for the gender?" Dr. Rigo asked.

"Yes please," me and Niall said at the same time.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Horan! Your having a girl!"

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