Chapter 28

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been able to update as often as I do. School just started and I've been so busy. My birthday was this week also, so I've been out with friends a lot and haven't had time to update either. Anyways, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my internet best friend xx_harriella_xx she definitely deserves all the credit on this chapter. She helps me out so much with almost every chapter and I'm so thankful to have her! So yeah, credits go to her for this chapter, it was all her idea! Go and follow her and don't forget to read her fan fic called "Unexpectedly" thanks! <3 ;)


*********5 Months Later********

I was getting Hope ready for a family picnic Niall and I had planned out. Today was just going to be me, Hope, and Niall.

Hope was growing up so fast. She finally learned how to make facial expressions. She loves crawling but is trying to walk and laughs at almost anything. One thing is for sure though, she puts almost everything and anything in her mouth. It's like she's always hungry. But she hardly cries and just loves to play all the time.

Hopes' first birthday is coming up soon. Niall and I are so excited. It's actually going to be one year since we officially became parents.

I dressed up Hope as she was playing with her feet and kept giggling. She was too cute. I put on her princess ruffled denim jeans tulle lace dress with her little rhinestone combat boots and her short dark black hair in two ponytails at the top of her head. My cute little girl looked so adorable. I sat her up on the bed.

"You look so adorable!" I squealed.

Hope smiled and clapped her hands. I tickled her stomach as she giggled showing her two bottom teeth. I stopped to let her breathe and she grabbed my cheeks to kiss my nose.

"Mummy," Hope said.

I felt my heart skip a beat. Hope just said her first word. She called me 'mummy'. I felt a bit of tears in my eyes. I smiled wide and kissed her forehead.

"Mommy loves you too," I whispered.

I called out Niall's name. He was downstairs preparing the food for the picnic.

"Niall!" I called out.

I heard him come running upstairs to our bedroom.

"Yeah, babe. What's up?" He said.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Hope just said her first word," I said.

Niall grinned wide and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing! Hope you said your first word?" Niall asked her and she just say there and smiled.

I giggled. "Tell daddy what you told mommy."

"Mummy!" She pointed to me.

Niall picked her up and gave her a huge kiss on the cheek.

"Wow! Your first word! Yup, that's mummy! Who am I?" Niall asked her.

"Daddy!" She said as she pointed to Niall.

I could tell by the look on Niall's face that he wanted to cry tears of joy. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Yeah! I'm daddy! I love you so much!" Niall said as he hugged Hope and she hugged him back with her tiny arms around his neck.

Niall set her down on the floor. He walked towards me and put his arm around my waist. He kissed me on the lips and I kept one hand on his chest and my other arm around his neck.

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