Chapter 12~ What is Happening?

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Picture to the side is of Reese's outfit. (Scarf and sweater are different colors)

No songs were really listened to by characters in this chapter, so I just picked a song that I like. Video to the side is of the lyrics for Hozier's "Someone New."


Chapter 12~ What is Happening?

Once Tanner opened the back door of the car for me to get through, Lyra released her hold on my arm and helped me get in the seat. She even buckled me in, just so she knows that I will have the seat belt on.

Lyra then hopped into the backseat next to me, closing the door as Tanner put his keys in the ignition and drove off.

"Don't you find it odd that you're leaving your own party?" Lyra asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I guess. But it's worth it if you need help," he said to Lyra, swiftly turning his head to us, giving Lyra a grin.

I saw Lyra's cheeks turn a shade darker as Tanner turned back around and continued driving.

"Awwww" I dragged on, bobbing my head back and forth while listening to the music playing and looking at the scenery outside of the window.


By the time we reached my house, it was 10:00, which wasn't really as late as I thought it would be. As Lyra pushed the car door open, I realized that I was gonna be alone for the rest of the night, or until my mother decided to bring her drunk ass home.

Lyra tugged on my arm, pulling me out of the car and helping me walk to the front of my door.

"Are you going to be alone for the rest of the night?" Lyra asked me.

"Uhuh" I replied, feeling somewhat better now that I wasn't at the party anymore.

"Shit, you shouldn't be alone while your still partially drunk." She turned to Tanner's car, which he was standing in front of. "Tanner, I think I'm just gonna stay with-"

I nudged Lyra's side, earning a groan from her when I stopped her from continuing her sentence.

"Lyra, stay with Tanner. Trust me, I'll be fine. You definitely deserve to stay at the party and hang out with all your other friends."

"Reese, are you sure? I just feel bad that you're gonna end up alone for the rest of the night."

"Trust me, I'm fine, go back with Tanner."

"Okay, thanks bae" she said with a smile on her face, as she gave me a hug. Suddenly, we heard her phone going off from her little handbag she was carrying, just like the one I still had clutched in my right hand.

"Hey Staci" Lyra said over the phone.

"Where the hell are you and Reese!" Staci basically screamed. I could tell she was screaming or freaking out by the fact that I could hear her while the phone was still pressed to Lyra's ear.

"We're at Reese's house. She's major drunk, well sort of sober now, but we just thought that it was best if she just slept."

"You scared the shit out of me! At least tell me that you left before I have a panic attack next time."

"K, Stac. I'm coming back soon, and I'll fill you in" Lyra spoke, then said "bye" before ending the call.

"Thanks for all you've done tonight. I love you girl" I said to Lyra, not slurring my words as much as I was like a half hour ago.

"No problem. Just call me if you need anything." Lyra then walked back to Tanner's car, while he opened the passenger seat for her. Once he started the car, they drove off.

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