Chapter 13~ On A Tour

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Picture to the side is a shot of the abandoned park/playground... (If anybody remembers the small part about it from Chapter 6)


Chapter 13~ On a Tour

When we got to our first stop, I gave Hunter a look, seeing that it wasn't really an "interesting" place, but then again, it was a good pit-stop.

"Starbucks? Hunter, are you turning into a white girl?" I ask him, as he pulls his bike into a parking spot, turning the motorcycle off and preventing it from moving.

"Oh ya, about that... There's something I should tell you..." He said, and then we started laughing.

"But, I figured you probably didn't eat breakfast. And Starbucks' food is awesome. So let's go eat."


Once we walked in, Hunter pointed to an open spot, seeing as Starbucks is usually pretty crowded. I following in his footsteps as we took the booth meant for 2 people instead of 4, and I took a spot in the seat opposite of him.

"Do you want to go order and then I can wait here?" I ask him, unsure of how we're still going to keep this little booth before somebody steals it.

"You can go first" he said, reaching into his pocket, taking out his wallet.

"No, Hunter. You don't need to pay for me, I've got money" I told him, so I began fishing around in my little handbag for a $20 bill, when he tried to shove one in my face.

"Here, take it. Please, I just want to try and make it up to you." Then he began to attempt the puppy-dog face and eyes, and that just made me want to cave in.

"Fine, but I'm gonna pay you back."

"No, you won't. And since I'm gonna pay, can you order for me too?"

"Hunter, I feel bad just taking your money."

"Nonsense, short stuff. Here, take my $20, and order your food and drink. I'll take an 'Egg and Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich,' and a 'Grande Java Chip Frappe."

I sighed, defeated, as I took the twenty from his hands, standing up, and putting my handbag down on the table.

I walked away from the table and then began standing in line, trying to memorize both of our orders together.

By the time I got to the barista, I told her our orders.

"2 Grande Java Chips Frappuccino's, one Egg and Cheddar Sandwich, and one Sausage and Cheddar Sandwich, please."

When she typed all of the stuff in the register, the total came up as $16.74. I handed her the $20, thinking about how I was going to put a 20 back into Hunter's wallet without him noticing.

As I took my seat back in our miniature booth, I saw Hunter on his phone, viciously typing away and smashing his fingers constantly against the screen. I couldn't help but wonder who he was texting.

"I'm texting James," Hunter told me.

Oh, shit. I really had to stop thinking out loud. Just like that time in Ms. Switch's class. Stupid bitch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry-"

"Reese!" The barista called out, making me jump out of my seat. But, Hunter suddenly stood up as well, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"You went up to place the order, now it's my turn to get our food" he said, trying to push me back down into the seat.

"Let me guess, I'm gonna end up throwing the trash out?" I asked, sarcastically.

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