Chapter 1

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"But mama!"
"No ifs no buts-"
"No coconuts" I pouted
"Now can you PuH-lEaSe go pack!"
"Yall mean as heck"
"We love you really y/n"

I stomped up to my room in a huff. I cannot believe the nerve of that woman to ship me off on a plane to Tokyo! I haven't even learned to speak Japanese yet MOTHER. A tornado of angry thoughts spun in my head as I furiously packed all my stuff. I surprisingly managed to fit it all into 3 large suitcases and my essentials into a carry on.

"So where do I go after the flight?" I ask very nervous about going to a foreign country myself
"Your brother will be there to pick you up at the airport"
"Will he have a sign?"
"Of course"
"Will it be in serif, like I requested?"
Mama chuckled "yes dear"
"And will it have a dinosaur in the corner?"
"Why do you request so much?"
"Why do YOU ship your children away to foreign countries by themselves when they've never even left the country before!?"

I texted my brother to let him know I was all packed.

Lady croissant 🥐
<wassup boiiiii>

Big boi bam
<is all good m'lady, hows things over where you are?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<I can't believe mama is sending me away ;-;>
<not even to somewhere nice with a good family..>
<she's sending me to go and live with youuu>

Big boi bam
<wow. Rude.>
<hope you look forward to no dinosaur on your sign>

Lady croissant 🥐
< >:0 you would never >

Big boi bam
<watch me>

Lady croissant 🥐
<yall mean>
<anyways ttyl imma go play my Xbox while I still have it ;-;>

Big boi bam
<bye lil sis>

I put on sad boi hours and logged into my Xbox account for what would be the last time. I decided to message my online friend and let him know I wouldn't be online for a while

Yo yo apple wsp

Apple 3.14159
Lmao nm hru?

Pretty sad ngl

Apple 3.14159
How? Talk to me bro.

Well my mama is shipping me off to Tokyo in Japan ;-;

Apple 3.14159
That's pretty sad dude

Yep it is indeed. And I can't even take my Xbox with me *cri*

Apple 3.14159
Wait nooooooo :'(

Let's have one last game for the old times eh buddy?

Apple 3.14159

We played for hours and hours and I didn't even notice when it was 3am and I had to leave for Tokyo in 2 hours. I cried a little, saying goodbye to apple and knowing that we'll never talk or play again. And then everything hit me like a truck... I'd never see my old friends again... I'd never go to my favourite coffee shop... I'd never hug my mama after school while we had hot chocolate and talked about our days.... I'd never walk in my favourite park in autumn when all the leaves were orange and beautiful... I'd never pet my dog go again...

By the time we were at the airport my eyes were red and stinging and my cheeks were puffy and tear stained, my jacket was soaked due to the rain and I felt so uneasy and uncomfortable. I hugged mama for the last time and went to board the plane when the tears started again this time loud and obnoxious but I couldn't shut up if I tried.

It gets better. Not in the next chapter but it does.

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