Chapter 12

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I woke up the next day, excited for finally getting my surgery.
Everything that morning went fast and before I knew it, we were at the hospital.
A few hours later I left the surgery room and I could speak.
My brother called all his friends and they all were excited to finally hear my voice
"Hi!" I said with a big smile
"You have such a pretty voice" inuoku said
"I agree!" Said Yamamoto nodding his head aggressively
"Now you can tell us what happened last night between you and pudding here" my brother glared at me and kenma
"Ahah, nothing. I told you"
"That didn't sound like nothing"
"Ahah" I just kept laughing nervously and scratching the back of my head

"Let's go out to celebrate the successful surgery" kuroo suggested
"Movies?" I asked hopefully my eyes shining like a toddler
"Yeah, that sounds fun"
"Let's see what's showing"
The options were:
She dies tomorrow
Words on bathroom walls  
The invisible man
"I want the last one!"
"Are you sure, Y/n? It's a horror you know?"
"Bruh. I love horror!"

So we left to hospital and went to the theatres to see the movie
We couldn't all get seats together so some two people would have to sit separate
"I don't mind sitting separate"
"Who will sit with you then?"
"Lmao, play Rock Paper Scissors"
So the boys had a rock paper scissor tournament and the winner was kuroo
"Ha, I thought you were the best at games. Guess not eh kenma~" he said smirking
"Video games, you dipshit"
"Bruh. Do you want punched in the face?" I butted into their conversation
"No! Not my beautiful face!" Kuroo cried and ran away "Why do you bully me, Y/n?"
"Why do you get on my nerves?" I ask turning my nose up at him
"I don't mean it" he sniffled
"Then I don't mean this" and I swiftly booted him in between the legs
"My... no.. no.... square" he grunted keeling over
I dusted my hands of and then he said he didn't want to sit next to me because I was "scary"

"I'll sit next to her then" kenma said in the most monotone voice ever
"C'mon man! At least sound happy about it" I huffed
He put on a huge fake smile and said in a fake cheery way
"I'll gladly sit next to you, Y/n!"
"Ha. Ha." I huffed rolling my eyes "just don't try and jump onto my lap if you get scared" I added sticking my tongue out
His face turned beet red and I cackled so loud everyone stared at me
"You're right kuroo-senpai, she's scary now she can speak"
We filed into the theatre and me and kenma walked away from everyone
"Can you put that away fro TwO fReAkInG mInUtEs" I whisper yelled while snatching kenma's phone off him
"Oi, give it back" he grabbed for it
"Not until later~" I shoved the phone into my pocket

We settled down as the movie started. It was much scarier than I expected but I put my brave face on and acted like it didn't bother me even though I was very obviously shaking.
I felt a hand reach out and squeeze mine, I smiled thinking it was kenma.
A few minutes later I looked over to kenma who was asleep and it was him who grabbed my hand at all, it was a boy who was a little older than me and he was smirking at me when I looked over to him
I jumped out my skin trying not to scream, I got up and ran to the bathroom
Rushing past my brother and his friends almost crying they could tell something was up
"I'll go after her" said lev

He walked out the door to find me sobbing just outside
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"I was *sniff* I was scared and I f-felt a hand grabbing mine"
"Is that bad?"
"I thought it was kenma b-but it was some perv sitting next to m-me" I let out a huge sob and banged my head into the wall
"Shhhhh. It's ok, he can't get you here" lev pulled me into a hug
"You're such a good friend" I said smiling through my tears
He took my hand and pulled me back into the theatre where I sat on the steps next to the seats instead of going back to my assigned seat

After the movie I went to get my bag and coat and wake up kenma, when the boy who grabbed my hand then tried to hug me from behind.
Before he could properly put his hands on me, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back then pinned him down
"Move and I'll dislocate your arm" I whisper into his ear
"Stop touching people without their consent and maybe I'll consider not breaking your elbow"
"OW! OW!"
By this point kenma had woken up and all he saw was me about to break a strangers arm while pinning them down in the middle of a theatre
"Uhhh. Y/n?"
"Hehe. Hello kenny~" I replied not letting go of the perv
"I'm just gonna-" he pointed towards the door
"OI! KUROO! LEV!" I shouted the two boys over
"Lev, this is the boy I told you about. Who finds it appropriate to grab me from behind" I said snarling
"He did WHAT!?" Kuroo shouted
Now we were the only ones left in the theatre
"Y/n get off him, I think he learned his lesson"
I get off him and grab my stuff from my seat then head towards the exit, still fuming.

"Let's go for a meal?" Kuroo suggested
"Mhm." I hummed still pretty angry
"Sounds great!" The rest agrees so we headed towards a pizza place nearby
"Table for 12 please" I grumbled to the lady at the waiting area
"Ok, this way" she replied
We followed her to the table and I plonked myself down at the corner so that I could play my phone with it facing away from everyone
I plugged my headphones in until a waiter came to order the food and started playing relaxing music to calm myself down after the incident at the theatre
When the waiter came over he took everyone's order and by this point I was in a better mood and practically sang my order, causing a few side glances from my peers
"Psst, when did she get so happy?"Kuroo whispered to my brother "last time I checked she was fuming about some guy trying to touch her at the theatre"
"I'm not sure, maybe she listened to a therapy book?" My brother suggested
While we were waiting for my food I decided to text apple

Hi hi hi!

Apple 3.14159
Yooooooo! Where have you beeeen?

In my house?

Apple 3.14159
Lmao kewl.

By the way, what does your name mean?

Apple 3.14159
Well. 3.14159 is pi in maths, and my name is apple 3.14159, so my name is apple pi.

Pretty sure I lost brain cells reading that. Wait no. Gained brain cells!

Apple 3.14159
Can we play?

I can only chat rn, I'm having dinner and ig it would be rude 🤷🏽‍♀️

Apple 3.14159
Dam bro. Dat sux.

I have to go but I'll text you tonight! Toodles~

[kiss_my_axe has went offline]

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