Chapter 5

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After I changed my password and lock screen I glared daggers at my brother, I can be scary when needed. He cowered back into his friend sitting next to him
"H-Help me. Scary lady" he pointed at me and curled into a ball
All his friends laughed at the fact he was terrified of his younger sister.
A few minutes passed and I started to get a weird feeling in my stomach
-hey, I feel weird-
-weird how- he asked
-I don't know I can't put my finger on it-
I looked dead ahead of me and felt my legs go tingly and numb... I couldn't feel my finger either, I looked at my brother with a petrified look like I had seen a ghost and tears started to roll down my cheeks
-did you bring your inhaler-
I shook my head
I shook my head
-therapy toy?-
I shook my head
He pulled me into a bear hug and told me everything was alright. I really wish I could believe that. My tears came endlessly and silently. Everyone had sensed an aura and looked a bit concerned
"She's ok, it's just a panic attack. She gets them randomly"
Everyone nodded and I pulled away from my brother
-stars?- I asked with a hopeful look in my eyes
-it's not even dark- he responded while chuckling
-on my ceiling- he caught on
"We're gonna head guys, thanks for taking us out and meeting her. She hopes to see you again and apologises for having to go"
"It's ok, see you at school tomorrow" one responded

I got home and messaged apple

Yo yo. Wsp m'dude

Apple 3.14159
Oh hey! You good?

I'm not used to Tokyo yet... it feels really funny and everything I think of home I get really sad

Apple 3.14159
Would a game make you feel better?

Hells yeah it would!

We played for two hours once I got home. God how I would have hated is he forgot me. Wait... is it a he? Maybe its a girl? I'll ask

Yo um this might seem weird but uh... what do you identify as?

Apple 3.14159
Imma dude

Oh sweet I'm a gorl

Apple 3.14159
Lmao yo funny

Not as funny as yo face 😎✌️

Apple 3.14159
Dam bro. Words can hurt.

I wanna sleep

Apple 3.14159
Dude, it's literally 4pm

Time isn't real. Life is a simulation. The moon is a hologram. Goodnight!

Kiss_my_axe went offline.

I stared at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling and felt really sad for some reason. I got up and closed the heave curtains and then put on my tv to watch some YouTube before taking a nap. I came across a YouTube that looked quite cute at first glance then I looked closer and it was one of my brothers friends! It was pudding head. I didn't know he had a gaming channel! I looked at his sub count and dropped dead. 2.3 million subs!!!
I FaceTimed my brother because he had went back out with his friends, as soon as he answered I waved and he waved back then I switched the camera and showed him the tv screen. He looked for a moment then took a screenshot and said bye

After he hung up my phone started blowing up with messages

<heyyyyy~ >

Lady croissant 🥐
<yo? >

<how ya doiiiiin~ >

Lady croissant 🥐
<who are you? >

<oh right sorry, it's kuroo, your brothers friend>

Lady croissant 🥐
<ah ok, I'm guessing he gave you my digits? >

Bed head
<yeeeeeep~ >
<Oi did you change my name? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<yeeeeeeep~ >

Bed head
<you're funny, I like you>

Lady croissant 🥐
<woah dude, slow down. I'm like way younger than you and we just met! >

Bed head
<HaHa 🙄 >

Lady croissant 🥐
<anywaysssss what d'you want m'dude >

Bed head
<a new assistant manager >

Lady croissant 🥐
<ok, so you asked the girl that can't speak? >

Bed head
<uhhhhh huhhhhhhh~ >

Lady croissant 🥐
<aight bet. Imma be the best assistant manager ever 😌 >

Bed head
<wow that was easier than expected >
<let's add you to the group then lol >

*in the group chat*
[bed head added lady croissant 🥐 to the group]

<wait, who's this?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<you don't recognise me? *cri cri* >

Big boi bam
<god, you're so damn dramatic>

Bed head
<she's the new assistant manager UwU >

Lady croissant 🥐
<ok I appreciate it dude, but I'm not that cute 😂 >

Bed head

Lady croissant 🥐
<nvm 😂😂>

50% vodka
<what the hell is my name?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<oh hi lev, I gave everyone funny nicknames since I wanted to laugh tonight>
<sorry you can all change them back >

<what's mine mean? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<your eyes reminded me of a cat 👉👈 >

Big boi bam
<what's that?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<what's what?>

Big boi bam
< 👉👈 >

Lady croissant 🥐
<oh it's shy >

[Lady croissant 🥐 went offline]

I was tired and I didn't want to explain anything else so I switched my phone off. I walked over to my window and opened the curtains, my window was large enough to fit two people my size in it. I unlatched it and popped my head out. It was so peaceful I wanted to sit there all day...
Just then I heard the front door open and a few worried voices speaking in Japanese, there was thundering footsteps up the stairs and they stopped at my room. I hear the doorknob jiggle and panicked glad I had locked my door
I tried to relax and put more of me out the window to get more air into my lungs.
Just as I leaned out, my door busted open and I pretended not to hear
I heard voices in Japanese, someone shouting, running footsteps and then I could sense someone behind me

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