Chapter 17

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When we arrived at school the team was already warming up so kuroo and kenma ran to join them
"I'm going to go fill up the water bottles"
as I left to go and fill the water bottles I saw a familiar cinnamon roll run towards the gym
"Y/N!" he yelled
I ran towards him and latched onto him
"Welcome back"
"I've missed you, y/n" he said hugging me back
"We're gonna beat your ass today" I whispered into his ear
"We're not gonna let that happen" he whispered back
I let go and ran to everyone else to hug them and threaten them

"A-A- A GIRL!" tanaka and noya yelled
"Miss me boys?" I asked them winking
They nodded their heads so aggressively I'm sure they got whip lash
"You two want a hug too?" I asked them
Again they gave themselves whip lash
I walked over and gave noya a big hug first and then I gave tanaka a big squeeze
"Good luck at the game, you'll need it~" I winked and walked away while the two boys were left behind
After I filled up the water I went back to the gym and found them setting up for a game
"Did I miss anything good?" I asked my brother
"Nothing interesting, hinata and kenma had an awkward reunion and kageyama sat sulking while hinata hugged kenma"
"Awww. I missed all the tea" I said wiping a fake tear
"It's fine, the game is more dramatic anyways"
I put down the water and sat on the bench next to the coach so I had a better angle

Hinata literally flew. Like he flew. He was somehow jumping higher than he was last time we played against him. He. Freakin. Flew. Like a bird!
After a few sets we were given 20 some minutes to do whatever so I decided to talk with Karasuno for a while
"Well hello there, children" I said walking over
"Hi!" Some shouted back one just grunted
"Ah. Nice to see you again tsukishima" I said pleasantly
"Hmm." He hummed
"Very talkative today, I see"
"Hmmm." He sounded slightly more annoyed
"Cmon speak to me, I won't bite. Unless you want me to~" I whispered the last bit into his ear and watched him turn bright red
I giggled and moved on to my next target... nishinoya would be too easy to fluster, same with tanaka... blueberry!
"Hey kags. You're not talking much either.. something wrong?" I asked
"No. Just a little tired."
"So no energy left? At all?"
"I still have enough energy to beat you"
"Ohoho. You mean beat the team. Not me"
"I- uh that's what I meant"
"Sure it is~" I whisper into his ear so no one can hear and he goes all flustered too

Next victim.. next victim.. next.. victim... I look over to my team and see kenma looking over at me. 'Bingo' I smirk
I walk over to kenma and he must have realised I caught him staring
'This is gonna be a slice of cake' I thought
"Hey kenma, caught you looking at me a minute ago. Are ya jealous~?" I ask
"I- uhhh no?" He said dragging out the 'o'
"Are you sure? You looked pretty jealous, glaring at bean pole and blueberry"
"I-I'm not." He stuttered
"Kenny~ it's not good to keep your emotions bottled up"
"They aren't because I'm not jealous."
"Not at all?" I whisper into his ear and I could feel the shiver going down his spine and his face heated up
'Easy peasy.' I sat back down on the bench laughing at the fact I just made three incredibly stubborn boys go all red and flustered
"Oi! Y/n! Why didn't you whisper to me?" Noya asked slightly offended
"Because, you're too easy. Besides you have to admit seeing the bean pole blush was kind of legendary"
"Ye. What did you even say to him?"
"Oh nothing in particular~" I said looking over to said boy and winked at him which made him turn red again.
"Oh lord" I sighed happily "this is too much fun"

We ended up winning the practice match again
"Hey, shoyo!" I shouted to the small ginger boy before he left
"Yes?" He asked sounding slightly upset
"I kept my promise after all, but I do feel kinda bad about you guys losing, since you worked so hard"
"It's ok, you guys are just better than us.." he said, a tear rolling down his cheek
"Oh shoyo don't cry!" I said pulling him into a hug "I didn't mean for you to cry, my baby cinnamon roll. It's ok you'll win next time"
"Baby cinnamon roll?" He asked, sniffing "I'm older than you"
"I'm still your mother. Now keep an eye on blueberry for me, don't let him lose his temper and if he does give him a smack from me."
"You got it Y/n!" He said back to me, less upset about losing
"Farewell for now!"

I walked back to the gym and helped finish putting everything away
"The poor baby" I said to myself while putting the net into the cupboard
"What poor baby?" Kenma asked from behind me
"My little baby cinnamon roll, hinata" I pouted "poor thing was so upset about losing I didn't know what to do"
"What did you do then?"
"Gave him permission to hit kageyama and he cheered right up."
"I give you permission to hit kuroo when I'm not here by the way"
"Why is that"
I pulled the headband off my forehead and pulled the bandaid off showing the cut I got this morning
"This is why" I said pointing to it
"Yikes. Kuroo did that?"
"No, my floor did. But it was because of kuroo that I face planted onto my floor" I said putting the bandaid and headband back on
"What a pain" kenma sighed "what are we gonna do with him?"
"Abandon him at the training camp" I suggested
"Good idea, leave a not that says 'unwanted child, very obnoxious and loud, do not feed him sugar'"
"Wow, stop putting ideas in my head or I might follow through" I giggled
"So you're saying if I give enough ideas for something, you'll do it?" Kenma asked smirking
"WHAT'S WRONG?" my brother came busting in "kenma's right here what are you on about Y/n?"
"You didn't hear what he just said to me... that was not something kenma would say. THAT IS A DEMON INSIDE KENMA'S BODY!"
"WhT did he even say"
"He insinuated something icky" I twiddled my fingers

"Ah, kenma. Finally learned how to flirt?"
"Heh, I guess."
"Who taught him how to flirt?" I asked
"Me and kuroo" my brother replied
"Why would you do thatttt? I liked him beforeeeee. Now he's gonna be like you twoooooo." I whined
"Oh calm down, he just learned how to flirt here and there. He's still kenma"
"No he isn't! YoU dIdN't HeAr WhAt He SaId"
"What was it he even said then?"
~after explaining the conversation between Y/n and kenma~
"Broooo. You said that?"
"I guess I did, considering the words left my mouth"
"I'm going home, fuck yall and yo dirty mouths!" I said, flipping them off as I walked out the door

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