Chapter 20

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"Why didn't you wake me up? Or at least put me in my own room?"
"You looked peaceful"
"Ughhhhh now I have back pain" I whine
"Stop complaining and come here to get breakfast"
"Good. I deserve a good breakfast"
"So... what do you want for your birthday?"
"Pffft. Friends."
"Haha. But seriously what do you want?"
"Ummmm a new phone."
"Ok I'll text mother and see if she'll send some presents over"
"Ok. Tell her I love her, she hasn't messaged me for a while"
"Oh... she hasn't? Ok I'll let her know"
"I'm going for a walk"
"Be back before 1pm"
"Yessir" I said saluting and walking out the door

'Ah yes. Just my luck that it's raining'
I walked around the streets for a while, enjoying the cold November morning before deciding to go to the park and play on the swings.
I arrived at the park and sat down on a wet swing, getting my leggings slightly wet but I didn't care. I swung slowly back and forth looking at the sky while letting the rain hit my face.
'It's so peaceful'
I sighed happily and closed my eyes
"Hey." I heard a soft voice speak
"Hello" I almost whispered whiteout looking at the person
"Didn't expect to see you here" the voice spoke again
I looked up and saw kenma
"Oh hi kenma" I said still very quietly
"Are you ok? You're sitting on a swing in the middle of the day staring at the sky in the rain without a coat or umbrella"
"Oh really? I thought it was the middle of summer and I was sitting on the beach" I whispered back sarcastically
"So, what's up?"
"The rain's peaceful"

"Your brother told me it's your birthday soon"
"He did?"
"I want my birthday to be merged with Christmas this year. One huge party with the whole volleyball team and Karasuno and maybe even my mother if she can fly out"
"Why would you want Karasuno there?"
"Because I have friends on the volleyball team and I wish to spend my birthday with them"
"Fair enough-"
I interrupted him with a cough
"Are you oka-"
I coughed again
I went into a full pelt coughing fit while also laughing my little lungs out
"I'm *cough cough* fine *giggle*"
"Ok. Do you want to go get some lunch?"
"Yeah. I think I know a place I wanna try"
"Oh cool! Let's go!"
I hopped off the swing and started leading the way to a little cafe/restaurant
"It should be just around the corner" I said after 10 minutes of silent walking

We arrived in the little place and took a seat in a booth up the back corner of the cafe
"This menu looks so good"
"I know I can't choose"
"I can I know exactly what I want" I said smiling
"Lol ok, I'll keep looking"
After 2 minutes of searching for a good meal, kenma decided to settle for ramen
"I'll have the blt sandwich and tomato soup please"
"Ok, any drink?"
"Just a water for me"
"Hot chocolate please"
"Ok your food will be ready soon" and she left

"Dude she was totally trying to give you her number"
"You think?"
"Dude, I knowwwwww" I said as I placed down my empty hot chocolate mug
"Doesn't it look like we're on a date though?"
"It probably does. Guess she's just a home wrecker" I said not noticing I blushed at the fact we look like we're on a date
"Your face is red... are you ok?"
"AHAHAHAHA YES!" I almost screamed
"Oh... ok then... let's  go back to your brother, he must be worried."
"Yeah sure!" And we got up to leave after paying for our meals
Walking in silence all the way home. I hate silence so I started a conversation
"So....... any new games you have an eyes on?"
"There is one but it's not out in stores yet"
"I don't think you should buy it"
"Well just don't"
"But it looks so cool it would easily be my favourite game"
"I don't think you should camp for 34 hours outside the store to get it"
"But after the first day there'll be none left"
"Can I order it online?"
"Hell to the no! What I'd someone steals your credit card info"
"Fair enough"
"We're home"

I opened the door and expected to be screamed at by B/n for being late but it turns out kenma had texted him letting him know we'd be home later than expected
"I'm home and I have a guest"
"Ok that's good, you can help plan the birthday Christmas party"
"Oh cool, what are the ideas so far?"
"Well I was thinking just a Christmas party. Nothing birthday related at all"
"Sweet sounds ok, but why no birthday?"
"Christmas is better"
"I'll go work on my invitations now"
"K, have fun"

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