Chapter 3

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It was now Sunday, I had been only 1 night in Japan and it was still terrifying. I got up to go and freshen up in my bathroom when I realised I had slept in my clothes from yesterday
'God I need a shower'

I got into the nice toasty shower and then began to think. The worst thing that can happen to me. I thought about my friend, did they miss me? I thought about apple, would he forget me? I thought about mama, is she enjoying not having me there? I thought about me dog, was he confused or happy I was gone? I thought about school, what rumours would be going around? Why did I not tell anyone I was moving to japan? Why had I not studied Japanese? Why-.

My thinking what thankfully interrupted by a knocking on my door saying that we could go out with some of his friends today if I felt up to it.

"Ye, it'll be nice to interact with people." I say while getting out the shower
"Do me a favour though, tell them I'm mute..."
"Why?" My brother asked
"Tell them that I choose not to speak because I have weak vocal cords or something"
"Fine." He sighed "do you still remember all the sign language we learned?"
"Yep! And you can translate it to your friends!" I say cheering up
"Ok, we are meeting at 11:30 so don't take too long"

I sped up my process, curling my hair and putting a little make up on. Hey, if I can't speak I may as well look nice. I put on a black crop top with white short overalls over it, knee high black and white mismatched socks and a black and white checked flannel around your waist

 I put on a black crop top with white short overalls over it, knee high black and white mismatched socks and a black and white checked flannel around your waist

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(^ basically what you're wearing without colour)

I walk out into the living room and my brother looks at me
"Ah, no joggers and hoodie today?"
I sign back to him -first impressions you know- and then wink
"You don't need to sign just now btw"
-I want to get used to it-
"Ok, and I'll need to translate what you say in sign language into Japanese for my friends?"
-unless the know sign language, yep-
"Goodness woman. How do we say you'll be able to speak once you're ready to learn Japanese"
-say I'm due to get surgery soon and then I'll need to learn Japanese-
"Wow, for such a little idiot, you sure are smart"

Then the doorbell rang and a group of boys were on the doorstep. I was suddenly self conscious of how I looked and got a bit anxious. then one spoke, he had a soft voice and made me calm down instantly

"Who's that? She looks scared of us..." he sounded quite concerned
I look at my brother -help-
"Oh, this is my sister. Y/n meet my team"
I smiled and waved, my brother looked at me as if he wanted me to 'say' something
-nice to meet you all- I smiled wide
"She says it's nice to meet you all"
"Is she deaf?"
"Why is she using sign language?"
"You can understand that?"
"What's she saying?"
All those questions came flying in at once
"No, she isn't deaf. She can't speak because her vocal cords are a little messed up so we learned sign language to communicate and today I'll be translating everything she says for you guys"
I smiled again with my eyes closed hoping to not come off aggressive
"I know sign language too" said the first boy who spoke and I got a little look at him. He had beautiful yellow eyes that reminded me of a cat a little, he didn't look very athletic which made me wonder what kind of team this was, and lastly his hair. O. M. G. His hair looked like a pudding I just wanted to eat his head.
Now I'm hungry

-where are we going- I signed to my brother
"Uh where are we going first guys?"
" I know a cute little cafe near here"
'Is this the cafe we went to yesterday?'
-is it the one we went to yesterday?- I asked my brother
-I'm not sure- he signed back

"I feel all left out, you guys are using sign language" a boy with bed head pouted
I scratched the back of my head and bowed. This might be harder than I thought
Then I noticed this guy at the back who was staring at me a lot, he had a buzz cut and looked pretty scary
I tugged on my brothers sleeve and turned my back so no one could read what I said
-that scary guy at the back is staring at me- I must have looked terrified because my brother laughed then signed back to me
-he's not harmful, he's just curious-
I sighed a sigh of relief and turned back to the group of boys
"Let's go then?" My brother stated feeling my awkward aura

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