Chapter 10

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-I'm just messing with yall, I can hear you though-
Kenma laughed and translated for the boys

I wanted to fall asleep again, I was soooo tired and I had so much knowledge in my brain that it was forcing my eyelids down

-send someone over here- I signed to my brother
He sent Yamamoto over to me and without looking I hug him and pull him onto the couch.
I just wanted cuddles so I could fall asleep.
I didn't care who it was I just wanted cuddles.

~brothers pov ~

-send someone over here- my sister demanded
"Hey, Yamamoto? Can you go and see what Y/n wants please?"
"Sure, no prob"
He walked over to Y/n and she snatched him down in a hug
'God sake she's all cuddly again'
-Y/n give me back the slug head-
-but B/n!- she pouted -cuddles-
-he's not the best for cuddles, Y/n-
-send me the best hugger!-
She pushed Yamamoto away from her and put her arms out waiting for the next cuddles so she could sleep

I walked over to kenma
"Hey, um Y/n is in a mood where she wants cuddles."
"Mind having her cuddle you until she falls asleep?"
"Hmmmmmmmmm... mkay"
I was thankful, at least Y/n likes kenma

~Y/n pov ~

I pushed Yamamoto away and held my arms out awaiting cuddles.
I felt someone fall into my arms while my arms were closed.
I hugged them tightly and nuzzled into them
'They smell nice'
Was my last thought before falling asleep

It wasn't a dreamless sleep like normal, I had a nice dream about me playing volleyball at the beach with all my old friends.
I woke up and opened my eyes, it was now dark outside and the person I was cuddling with was cuddling me back and we had a blanket over us.
I looked behind the couch and saw the other three boys asleep. I nearly jumped out my skin when my brother opened his eyes.

I nuzzled back into who I assume was kenma and I fell back asleep.
I woke up again in the morning with all of the boys gone and mitsu raining the doorbell

-oh, morning mitsu-
-it's nearly 11-
-oof, sorry. I fell asleep on someone who smelled really nice last night-
-a boy?-
-one of my brothers friends-
-oh hush. In you come-

We studied for a while and I learned a lot more Japanese. I would be fluent by the time I could speak again.
What's funny is that because of how I haven't been speaking and my asthma I actually did need surgery on my throat.
I can't wait! Only 2 more days then I can speak!

Mitsu tugged on my sleeve
"I can't come tomorrow, I have an exam. Sorry"
-it's ok I'll be fine studying myself-
"Ok, cya later!"
She walked out the door at the same time my brother came home

-oh. I wasn't expecting you home-
"Oh, sorry" he laughed nervously
-I'm gonna go shower real quick then I wanna go out-
"We have a practice match if you wanna come"
-perfect! Mitsu cancelled because she has an exam so I'm free!-
"Ok, where do you want to go tonight?"
-are any of your volleyball friends free?-
"All of them, why?"
-mitsu told me about a park that sounds like one I had back home so I wanna go-
"Parks are boring"
I huffed and turned my back
"Fine we'll go. Go get ready"

I went to get ready, showered, dressed in chill clothes, put my hair into pleats and all that jazz.
When I went downstairs my brother immediately made me put a sweater on but I decided I didn't want one

His friends came to collect us, kuroo still had bed head, Yamamoto still had slug head, kenma shockingly didn't have his game, Yaku still being a lil shiz, lev still being a humongous human and the rest being chaotic
We walked to the park and I was so excited, it looked just like the one at home I ran ahead of everyone and was climbing trees within seconds.
"Haha, she sure has a lot of energy"
"She's settled a bit now"
"Yes, she's been very happy and energised since her second day here"
"Wonder what made her so happy"
"Not what, who"

But the time they finished talking about me I was hiding in the top of the tree behind the leaves and none of them were paying attention to me so they all ran off in different directions to find me
I took out my phone and messaged kenma

Lady croissant 🥐
<psssst kenma >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<yes Y/n? Where did you go? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<look up >

He looked up into the tree at me and I waved at him, I motioned for him to come join me. I giggled as he struggled to climb the tree.

~kenma pov~

I tried to climb the tree but to no avail. I was absolutely over it, when a hand reached down for me to take
I took her hand and she was surprisingly strong to lift me up
When I was finally sitting next to her in the tree she held onto my hand I think by accident but she wouldn't let go

We stared at the leaves around us and waited for others to notice I was gone too.
What to do while we wait?
I got out my phone with my free hand and started playing a game
10 minutes or so later I hear voices below us and we look at each other knowing who it was

We waited until they were in the right spot then we both jumped down in front of them

~Y/n pov~

The park was so much fun today that I'm definitely going to get a good night sleep tonight, which is good because tomorrow I get to watch the practice match against Karasuno

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