Chapter 4

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We were walking along the road to the cafe in three's, I was in between a boy in my year who was very tall, I think his name was lev, and my brother who was also very tall. I felt like there was a wall barricading me, protecting me and I smiled to myself and we continued walking. It really wasn't far away, it took us only 10 minutes to get there. I walked inside first and my mouth immediately fell open. It was a cat cafe! There were cats and kittens everywhere.

I sat down a table and a little black cat white around its eye jumped onto my lap, I stoked it and it began purring. The little cat then lay down on my and decided I was it's new bed. My brother snapped a picture of my doing the piece sign and my little friend lying on his back with his paws curled into his stomach

-can you order me a hot chocolate and croissant please- I signed to my brother and gave the puppy dog eyes
"Ok fine, lady croissant" he said the last part quietly but I heard and smacked him on the head. He walked away snickering and I sat playing with my new friend. When B/n came back with my food he decided it would probably be good to introduce me to everyone

"First off this is the volleyball team I help manage" he said
"This is Tetsurō Kuroo, he's the captain and a middle blocker, he's a 3rd year" he pointed to bed head
"And this is Nobuyuki Kai he's vice captain, wing spider and opposite hitter, he's a 3rd year"
"Next is Morisuke Yaku, he's the libero, he's a 3rd year"
-are these guys all 3rd years- I butted in and signed
"Well no, I'm going in order of their number" my brother replied
"Ok then it's Taketora Yamamoto, he's our ace, wing spider and outside hitter, he's a 2nd year"
"Now it's the very special Kenma Kozume, he's our setter and he's the brain of the team, he's a 2nd year"
"Now it's Shōhei Fukunaga, he's a wing spider and outside hitter, he's in 2nd year"
"Oh and next we have Sō Inuoka, he's and opposite hitter and a wing spiker, he's a 1st year"
"Here we have Tamahiko Teshiro, he's a setter and a pinch server, he's 1st year"
"Next is the boy you were walking here with Lev Haiba, he's a middle blocker and he's in your year!"
-yay new friend- I signed then rolled my eyes. I had forgotten there was a boy who could read sign language and he giggled when he saw me say that.
"And finally we have Yūki Shibayama, he's the first year libero"
-I'm y/n, I play middle blocker on the girls team at my old school and I'm a first year I guess-
"She said: I'm y/n, I play middle blocker at my old school and I'm a first year"
"Wait! You're only a first year?" Asked the boy with the shaved head and Mohawk said "you look a bit older, no offence"
-he said you look older than 16- my brother signed
I giggled and my face turned red as a tomato
"I'm guessing you told her what I said?"
"Uhhh yeah, I did aha"
"Wait I thought she could here?"
"She can but she can't understand Japanese..."
"Ohhhh, I know a bit of English" said the bed head
-he said he knows some english- brother signed
My eyes widened and I stared in excitement at the bed head
He cleared his throat

"F***" he said plainly
My brother erupted into laughter and I put my hands over my mouth and physically shaking with how much I wanted to laugh

-tell him that's a swear in English"
"Uhhh kuroo, that's a swear" my brother said still laughing
I looked over at the little pudding who I think spoke out for me earlier, he was on his phone which I was told was normal for him
While kuroo and my brother were still arguing I tugged my brothers sleeve and discreetly pointed in the boys direction
-ohhhhh, do you like him?-
-what! Don't be an idiot-
-that's kenma, remember-
-does he speak?-
-obviously you imbosile-
I slapped him across his face (lightly) and crossed my arms over my chest in a huffy mood
The boys began laughing and I realised I just slapped my brother in front of all his friends. Hehe oops.
I felt my phone buzz in my pocket
-tell them I'm at the bathroom-
-wait, where's the bathroom?-
-over there to the right-
"She just had to go to the bathroom real quick"
"Ok" most of the boys replied in unison except kenma, for once he looked up from his screen.

I looked at the notification on my phone from a game I play
[ Apple 3.14159 added you as a friend ]
I stared in shock at my phone as I backed into the bathroom
'No. Way. No. Freakin. Way' i thought
I added them back and straight away messaged them

Bro... is it really you?

Apple 3.14159
Is that even a question, bro?

EEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love you! I freakin love you dude!

Apple 3.14159
Love you too xD

I just met a bunch of new people and they're so scary

Apple 3.14159
Oh yea, you just moved to japan didn't you?

I did indeed my good friend

I placed my phone on the counter and washed my hands because I had been petting the cat. I could hear it vibrating and all I could do was smile.

I walked back to the table and sat down, not paying attention and on my phone. I didn't notice the boys trying to get my attention, they noticed me smiling at my phone like I had just been told the happiest news ever, which in my case was kinda true. My brother threw his hand in front of my face and snatched my phone

-hey! Give it!-
"Is this a boy?" He said in English (he couldn't sign because he was holding my phone)
-yes ok! Now give- I snatched for my phone
"Can I read the messages?"
-NOOOOO- I signed being dramatic with my expressions
He finally gave in and handed it back, as soon as which I went to settings and put a password and changed my lock screen (it was an anime character I was in love with)

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