Chapter 11

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I woke up nice and early and jumped out of bed, I ran to my bathroom and quickly showered and changed. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into two French braids.
I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone, a portable charger, my wallet and keys and some toast.
I waited for my brother before we left and I practically sprinted to school, when we got there I hugged every member of the team for good luck then set up on the bleachers waiting for the other team to come

No longer than 5 minutes later a team walked through the door, they all seemed quite unique and a few were a little cute but I wanted to introduce myself in the time they had before warm up
I dragged my brother over to them

-hi, I'm y/n I'm the assistant manager here and I wanted to greet you and wish you good luck-
My brother translated and the small ginger boy (who was still taller than me) walked up to me and gave me a big hug
"Hi, Y/n! I'm hinata shoyo! This is kageyama tobio the setter"
-want to meet our setter? He's really nice-
"She asked if you want to meet our setter? He's really nice. And between us, she has a crush on him"
I swiftly elbowed my brother in the ribs with him forgetting I can understand him now

"YEAH! let's meet before we need to warm up!" Hinata said
He's so energetic even listening to him makes me tired
We walk over to kenma and I hug him again then sign to him
-this is hinata and kageyama, they come to say hello-
-that's their setter-
-yes yes I know I want you two to be nice!-
-fine but you owe me a game on the switch-
-sure, not like it's a punishment- I smirked and let the boys get along

We won the first set then they won the second then we won then they won then we won twice then it was time to go home.
My brother offered for the team to spend the night again
"let's do it!" Everyone agreed
-this time I'll actually participate-
"Shiz I keep forgetting she can understand us" Kai said
"As of tomorrow she can speak too"
"Wait really? We get to hear her speak?"
"If you guys come to the hospital and wait for her after surgery"
"Like we would miss such a big thing!"

Then we all headed off in the direction of my house
I ran ahead and unlocked the door then went straight to the kitchen to start cooking some dinner for the whole team.
By the time all of them had arrived at the house there was a beautiful smell wafting about.
"Since when do you cook without burning the house down?" My brother asked
I threw a towel at him and went back to cooking

After we ate and cleaned up we all took turns getting ready for bed.
I only trusted kenma to not spy around my room while he used my bathroom so only he was allowed access while everyone else had to use my brothers bathroom and the guest bathroom.
When we were all ready we played a game like spin the bottle but whoever the bottle landed on you had to trust with your phone until it was their turn
I spun the bottle and it landed on lev, thank god because I knew he wouldn't snoop on anything private. I gave him my phone as well as the codes for my apps on a post it note. Then my brother spun and it landed on Yamamoto, which he was displeased about. Eventually we got round to lev who gave me my phone back and whispered in my ear
"Don't worry I didn't do anything, I don't like to invade others privacy"
But when I checked my phone he did do stuff. He took a million selfies and took a picture of kenma which he decided to put and my home screen and he put a selfie of him as my lock screen. I was mad but also amused.

-ok! Night, yall!- I signed as I stretched and padded off to bed
"She said night yall"
"Night" they all said in unison
I smiled to myself as I walked into my room and shut the door
Haha! Those fools! I wasn't going to sleep, no! I was going to message kenma.

Lady croissant 🥐
<Psst! Go to the bathroom!>

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️

Lady croissant 🥐
<Ok. Now we are going to prank the group chat>

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<Ah yes, I like that idea>

Lady croissant 🥐
<Go along with everything I say, ok?>
<Oh and stay in the bathroom>

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️

(𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚝 )

Lady croissant 🥐
<who's knocking on my door?>

Big boi bam

Lady croissant 🥐
<I swear someone's knocking on my door >
<imma look under the door>
<which one of you had the grey slippers on?>

50% vodka
<was that not kenma?>

Lady croissant 🥐
<kenma what are you doing at my door? >

𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️
<are you going to let me in? >

Lady croissant 🥐
<sure I guess >

Moto moto
<wait don't let him in! You don't know what he's gonna do! >

[𝑘𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 😉❤️ has went offline]
[lady croissant 🥐 has went offline]

I texted kenma to run over to my room quick
I opened the door and slammed it really loud then I thumped on the ground a bit.
-let's jump on the bed-
-lol oki-
We started jumping on the bed and it was VERRRRRY loud
The boys must be freaking out. I had made sure to lock my door so if they tried to bust in they would walk into the door
We started jumping quicker and higher and the bed made more noise then we both layer down on the floor with a dramatic thump.
I messed up kenma's hair and splashed him with water from my sink and sent him downstairs while I laid on my bed wishing I had someone to cuddle

~brother pov~

I heard y/n's floor being thumped on a bit and her bed was being really loud. What on earth were they doing? After the bed stopped making noise I heard two people thump onto the floor and I was really concerned my now. Then I heard running water and Y/n's door open and close
Kenma walked downstairs smiling with his hair slightly a mess and his face wet with water
"What. In. The. Hell. Went. On. Up. There?"
"Nothing" kenma replied sounding almost out of breath
"Sure sounded like a whole lot of nothing." I mumbled
"Heheh" kenma then lay down on his sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly

"Ok let's make a bet on what the holy Jesus happened up there"
"I bet, the played video games"
"Nah, why would kenma look all messy if the played video games?"
"I bet it was something the holy lord above would not approve of"
"Yeah, my bet's on the unholy too"
"I agree"
"Sure sounded pretty unholy"

~Y/n's pov~

It worked! I can hear every word they're saying.
I messed up my hair and changed my pyjamas then splashed myself with water too and went downstairs.
I walked past all the boys and went into the kitchen where I filled my travel mug with hot chocolate.
As I walked past my brother he grabbed me and said
"Why do you and kenma look such a mess?"
"Ye, what did you guys do?"
-I'm not telling. Sure was fun though- then I walked back upstairs smirking like hell

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