Chapter 16

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(Art work is not mine, credit to the original artist.)

~y/n pov~

After my night out with kenma I snuck into the house and tiptoed upstairs trying not to wake my brother.
Once successfully in my room I plonked onto my bed and fell asleep dreaming about the day I just had

My brother woke me up on Sunday around 1pm saying him and his friends were going to train because they had a match tomorrow and asked if I wanted to train or stay in the house
"I'll come train" I said yawning then I got in the shower and got dressed
"Mkay, I'm ready." I yawned again as I walked downstairs to get some toast for breakfast
"God you really slept in"
"Mhm" I hummed walking out the door
"How did you sleep so late?"
"I was out last night"
"Ooooh with who"
"A friend."
'When did you make friends"
"Shut up" I slapped him
"Ow. Ok."

We got to the gym and the team was already warming up so I just sat on a bench to watch. I kind of put my head back and fell asleep and woke up to someone pouring water on my face
"Heyyy." I said annoyed and still tired
"How can you sleep so much?"
"It's a gift" and then I closed my eyes again
"If you don't get up and help, I'll have to kiss you."
"That's harassment if I don't give consent" I said not opening my eyes
I opened my mouth as I always do when I fall asleep and someone....
Someone shoved their finger down my throat.
I choked and spluttered then proceeded to vomit on the person in front of me
"Ew. Gross."
"Sorry." I said and got up to go clean my face
I got a drink of water and cleaned out my mouth

I walked back into the gym and everyone turned to stare at me
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you just spewed everywhere"
"It's not like I have a bug, someone shoved their finger into my mouth and triggered my gag reflex." And I went to go and grab a mop to clean up
"Uhh. No. You go and sit down. We'll clean up"
"But I'm the one who made the mess?"
"No. It wasn't your fault you were sick so you shouldn't have to clean it up"
"Ok" I sat down on the bench and started writing strategies for the game against Karasuno
"Oiiiii! B/n! Come here!"
"Strategies" I said and handed him the paper
"Wow. These are actually decent?"
"I know. Don't sound so surprised. I watched Karasuno play before so I know all their special moves"
"Ok. Sure"
I just sat and watched as the boys practised, again my eyes trailing over to one boy in particular. A boy who used some pretty crappy pick up lines last night.
"Y/n. You keep looking at kenma. Is everything okayyyy?"
"Mhm." I hummed not taking my eyes off him "everything is perfect"
"Y/n you're practically drooling over him"
"Uh Huh. Wait what?" I said snapping out of it
"You liiiike himmmmmm"
"Shut up" I said punching him in The stomach.

"Got it." He said walking away
'Am I annoyed because he's right or because he's just being a dick?' I asked myself 'wait can anyone read minds? Is someone reading my mind right now? If anyone is reading my mind, please cough' I said in my head
My brother coughed
I glared at him
'If you can read my mind, walk over here'
No one walked over
'Phew it was just a coincidence'
"Oi! Y/n! Come here a second"
"Yeah what's up?" I ask walking over to my brother
"You will have to miss school tomorrow if you want to watch the volleyball game"
"Aight bet."
"You need education."
"No, I need sleep." I said walking away

After practise I picked up the volleyballs and helped clean up
"Please don't invite everyone round to the house again" I begged my brother
"Oi! Everyone! My door is open all night if anyone wants to join us cause we'll be bored"
The whole team laughed
"I swear to god boy. Sleep with one eye open tonight." And I stormed off to walk home by myself.

Once in the door I changed into shorts and a T-shirt and started making brownies in the kitchen.
My brother walked in and left the door open
"When you said the door would be open, I didn't think you meant literally." I said to him while washing the dishes
"Oh well."
And he walked up to his room
I put the brownies of a plate and started making cookies too.
Once I finished the cookies I started making dumplings and rice for dinner
"DINNER'S READY" I yelled to my brother and just then, two people walked in the door
"Ah, just in time! I made dumplings and rice! Help yourselves to cookies and brownies too" I welcomed the boys in
I took myself a portion of dinner and a hot chocolate and sat on the couch.
"Any requests for a movie?" I shouted to the three pigs at the dinner table
"How about.... a Disney movie?"
"The nightmare before Christmas, it's a Halloween movie and a Christmas movie"
"Aight bet." I put on the nightmare before Christmas and finished my dinner
I got up to get a brownie and the three boys, who had obviously not noticed my clothes before, started lecturing me about wearing short shorts and a T-shirt
"Oh calm down. They're only legs." I said rolling my eyes
"Wear a hoodie or something at least."
"My hoodie is in the wash" I stuck my tongue out at my brother and he stuck his tongue out back
"Here, borrow mine" kenma said taking a hoodie out of his backpack
Kuroo and B/n started fangirling over this and wouldn't shut up

"Thanks kenny~" I sang "shut up, you two" I snapped right after
I put the hoodie on and went to sit back on the couch
"This smells nice" I thought, or at least I thought i thought it. Turns out I spoke it...
"Pffffft" I heard my brother behind me "she says your hoodie smells nice kenma"
"Ah- I- no- um- I- uh- uhhhhhhh.. bye" I spluttered and ran out the front door
I bolted down the street to the corner shop and went to buy some ice cream.
After purchasing my favourite ice cream I walked back to the house, I wanted to eat it but I didn't have a spoon
The door was now shut.
I opened it, not enough for it to be open but just enough for me to...
"I'M BAAAACK" I shouted as I kicked the door open
"Oh lord." My brother sighed
"Yippee" Kuroo said sarcastically
"Shut your mouths. I have a baseball bat in my room and I am not afraid to sangwoo yo ass" I snapped at them
"Try it. I bet you're too wimp" my brother teased
I walked up to my room, found my baseball bat and slowly walked down the stairs spinning it round and round.
I stopped at the bottom and looked kuroo dead in the eyes.
I walked over and flipped the bat a few time then held it over my shoulder.
I took a swing forceful enough to do damage but missed on purpose
"That. Was a warning shot. Test me again and I won't miss" I snarled and rested the bat over my shoulder walking back upstairs to eat my ice cream

"Well. It's safe to say she isn't very shy anymore."
"I don't think it's safe to say anything around her"

I woke up the next morning to someone staring right into my face
I screamed and fell out of bed.
When I realised it was only kuroo I started laughing hysterically
"God. You scared me for a second." I giggled
"You're bleeding..."
"I'm not bleeding, you are." I said getting up "now shoo, I need to change"
He left and I started changing, I put on plain black leggings, a (f/c) T-shirt and the hoodie kenma let me borrow last night.
I checked in the mirror and fair enough I had a little cut on my forehead so I put a bandaid on it and covered it with a headband
"Yo yo! I yelled walking into the living room "let's go beat karasuno's ass!"

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