Chapter 18

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I jammed my key into the locked and aggressively tried to unlock the door
*click* 'ugh, finally' I swung open the door and just.. fell. I just face planted onto the floor. Idk why, I just did.
About 20 minutes later I heard my brother walk in the door which I had forgotten to shut and found me lying face first on the ground, not moving, with blood pooling around my head

~brothers pov~

I walk in and saw a motionless Y/n lying face first on the ground with blood pooling at her head.
"KENMA! KUROO! GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW!" I shouted to the two boys who had walked me home
"WHAT IS IT, B/N?" Kuroo shouted back
The two immediately sprinted over here to see what I saw
"Maybe it's a prank?"
I poked her in the side. No movement. I tickled her foot. No movement, not even a squirm
"If this is a prank, she's doing a fantastic job acting"
"Let's turn her over"
So we rolled her onto her back and found her nose had exploded all over her face
"Holy mother of god..."
"Is anyone gonna call an ambulance? For all we know she could have a head injury too"

I called an ambulance and within minutes they were there and wheeled her away on a stretcher
"Oh god. I wonder what happened to her.."
I turned on my detective mode
"Well. The door was still open and her keys were still in the door so it must have happened just as she walked inside"
"Maybe she tripped over the step?"
"Her shoe wasn't scuffed"
"Maybe she fainted?"
"Yeah, maybe she fainted from exhaustion"
"No. She didn't do that much more than usual today, it wasn't exhaustion."
"Hunger or dehydration?"
"No, she ate and drank plenty today"
"Let's call a taxi and just go to the hospital, maybe we'll find out there"
"Good call"

We phoned a taxi and went to the hospital, as soon as we arrived we went to the desk and asked for Y/n L/n
"Ah yes, she is on the 2nd floor in room 402"
"Thank you ma'am"
"No problem."
We rushed upstairs to the second floor and ran down the halls to find her room
Eventually we found room 402 and knocked on the door
"Come in" said a voice we didn't recognise
We opened the door and there was y/n, on the bed, looking asleep, and a doctor there checking things off on a clipboard
"Oh hello. Are you friends of this girl?"
"I'm her brother"
"Do you know what happened?"
"No, I came home from school and found her lying face first in a puddle of blood"
"She fell over face first and broke her nose, as well as hitting her head a little and getting knocked unconscious"
"Oh lord, she really is a lost cause." I sighed
"She's due to wake us soon, it was nothing major"
"Ok thanks doc"

Around 30 minutes later she began to open her eyes
"Hi, Y/n! How are you feeling?"

~Y/n pov~

"Wha? You don't recognise me?"
"Mph" someone covered my mouth
"MPH" I tried screaming but they tightened their grip
I relaxed my facial features and looked them dead in the eyes before licking the palm of their hand
"Keep. Your. Filthy. Hand. Away. From. My. FACE!" I yelled
"Still don't recognises us?"
"Ugh. Now my mouth tastes like kenma's hand" I mumbled sticking out my tongue

~kenma's pov~

"Ugh. Now my mouth tastes like kenma's hand" Y/n said
I felt and elbow in my side and looked down to see her brother looking at me
"This is a perfect chance bro." He whispered "put your training to the test."
I looked at him confused and he pointed to the girl trying to clean her tongue
"Ohhhhhh ok" I whispered back

~Y/n's pov~

"Want a tissue, Y/n?"

~brother's pov~

I internally facepalmed
"Bro. You were meant to- never mind" I stopped talking as y/n glared at me
"That's what I thought. Boys disgust me." She huffed

~y/n's pov~

I finished cleaning the taste of kenma out my mouth and then glared at him
"Why. Why did you feel the need to cover my mouth"
"Because you didn't recognise us and if you called for a nurse they would think we're randoms that broke into your room to watch you sleep or some shit."
"Makes sense"
"Why did you lick me?"
"To get your hand away from my face. Also, when was the last time you washed your hands?"
"Well when we rolled you over I got some of your blood on me so I washed it off before we left"
I didn't say anything I just looked at a spot on the wall and kinda zoned out
"Hm?" I hummed
"June,doauwndkcoaiqjenfmcosiwhnrmc" I didn't hear what he said because I was still zoned out kinda
"Are you listening?"

"There's free cookies down the hall"
"Ok, cool." I hadn't moved from my spot on the wall
"The work is gonna end in 5 minutes." My brother said sounding fed up
"Ok, cya later then"
"Are you saying you want us to leave?"
"No I'm saying I want to leave and I want you guys to break your noses and get a concussion."
"Shut up, you look like you got sucked into a jet engine" I snapped at kuroo
"Gee. Someone's happy" b/n said sarcastically
"I swear to god I will take the pen on my bedside table and stab it right into your eye if you say one more word"
I lunged for my bedside table and grabbed the pen then tried to jump at my brother but kuroo restrained me while kenma took the pen out of my hand
"Put. Me. Down. You oaf."
"Nope. You're a psycho when you're mad."
"Oh wow, we have a genius in the room guys! When I'm mad I display anger! How shocking" I said sarcastically
Kuroo nearly cried and dropped me back onto my bed

"So how long have you guys been here?"
"Around 45 minutes"
"So you just stood and watched me sleep for half an hour?"
"I guess we did."
"Shut it."
"Sorry mom"
"If your gonna call me anything other than my name, I suggest you either buy me food or propose"
"Propose what?"
"I think I'll just call you y/n then."
"So can I go home now? Orrrrrrr..."
"Uhh I guess we can go? If you can walk that is."
"I have a broken nose not brain damage"
"You sure about that"
"I suggest you shut up or you'll be the one staying here tonight."
"Who would take care of you if I was here?"
"I can take care of myself. But in an emergency I would call kenma and or lev"
"Why wouldn't you call me?" Kuroo asked, wiping a fake tear
"Because if I called you it would be like I was the one doing babysitting"
"I'm not a child"
"You're worse than a child"

As we walked out to the car park my brother remembered they got a taxi in the rush to see if I was ok
"It's too late I don't wanna stand here and wait on a taxi" I whined
"Then we'll walk, it's not that far"
"I don't wanna walk"
"Then let's phone a taxi"
"I don't wanna!"
"Stop your whining"
"I DON WANNA!" I screeched
"Jesus, shut the hell up."
"Gosh, someone tired"
"Hmph" I huffed crossing my arms and sitting down on the curb
"And she called me a child" Kuroo giggled
"I can give you a piggy back?"

"No, that's weird."
"But it's not weird that we- UHHHH NOTHING"
"AHHHHHHH RUN AWAY!" I grabbed kenma's hand and ran away from the hospital
When we were about 2 blocks away I stopped, out of breath and with a thumping headache
"Let's *inhale* break *exhale* for a minute *inhale*"
"Good idea"
"Where *wheeze* are the others?"
"I dunno, but I think you should let me give you a piggy back"

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