Chapter 14

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I woke up later that night and looked at my clock
'2:48 am'
'Well this is just great' I thought to myself.
I tiptoed downstairs to get a glass of water but must have not realised the big mounds on the floor that turned out to be the volleyball team.
Having not noticed them, I tripped on one of them.
Landing on top of them with my hands at either side of their head to keep me off the floor, of course because I had tripped over them they woke up but I screwed my eyes shut. When I did eventually open my eyes there is a blushing kenma underneath me and we both scramble to get up, in the mess however he ended landing on top of me.
I slid out from under him across the floor and to the kitchen, still on my back, got my water and went back up to bed, careful not to trip on anyone again.

The next morning my alarm went off at 7:15 so I got up and got showered and dressed then headed down to make breakfast for the team, but as soon as I saw kenma asleep, I blushed remembering earlier this morning.
I got out the frying pan and started making pancakes for the boys, I laid out a stack of four at each plate, syrup, various berries and fruits, a big jug of orange juice and a plate of the pancakes that didn't turn out well.

One by one the boys slowly woke up and smelled the pancakes
"Woah! Did you make all this Y/n!?"
"Mhmmm" I hummed while putting the apron for wash
"Smells goood"
"Everything is out for you guys, so just help yourselves"
Everyone got up and started eating all the pancakes while I played on my phone sitting on the kitchen island.
As they all finished I decided to google a few things for the fun of it. Things that might look suspicious to someone checking my search history.
That's what I do though, I search weird things to creep out people that check my google search history. Such as 'how to get away with murder' 'how can you be identical at a crime scene' 'how long do I hold someone head underwater for them to drown'

I giggled to myself as I continued to search things like that, my brother noticed me giggling at my phone
"Is it a boy?" He asked in a teasing manner
"Nope" I giggled
"Who is it then?" He asked
"No one" I giggled a little psychotically
"What is it then?" He asked again
"Here" I handed him my phone and the search bar said
'Perfect weapon to kill someone in their sleep'
He screamed like a girl and threw my phone back to me
"Hey! That's not very nice!" I said quite threateningly
"Gah! Don't kill me I'm sorry" he cried
"Get on your knees and beg!" I shouted and he immediately fell to his knees tears streaming down his face
"Please! Please don't kill me!"
"Dude, wtf was on her phone?"
"She- AHHHHHHH" he could barely speak before I came ramming at him with a hammer
Kuroo grabbed my phone to see what it was that made my brother so terrified of me and when he saw what I searched her dropped my phone and ran to hide with my brother
"Ok, calm down guys. It's a joke! I do that to freak out anyone who keeps and eye on my search history, I would never actually do that... unless I'm provoked"
"Well now I'm curious" Yamamoto said
"I googled the best weapon to murder someone in their sleep"

Kenma's eyes went huge wide open and his face turned red
"Were you coming to murder me last night?" He whispered to me
"No, that was an accident. That we never EVER speak of" I kind of shouted that bit and now everyone wants to know what we are never to speak of
"Well, sorry guys. We are to never ever speak of it" I said in a sweet voice
"Bull crap" my brother said "you can tell us."
"Albright then. Kenma, tell them what happened this morning"
His face turned bright red and he ran to the bathroom
"Oh well, guess he doesn't want to speak about it"
"You tell us then"
"Nah." I walked away to go out the door
"Where are you going?"
"Uhm... for a walk?" I lied
"Hmmm. Ok then be back by lunch."
"If I don't get kidnapped" then I went outside

Ok, I'm gone. Where are we meeting?

Apple 3.14159
A cafe that's near where I live, it's called café Néro.

Aight. I'm halfway there already.

Apple 3.14159
Mk, I'll leave just now

Just warning you in advance, I look like crap today

Apple 3.14159
I always look like crap, dude.

Lmao same. Cya soon!

I walked along to this cafe where we were meeting and sat a table, waiting for my friend.
The lady came to ask if I wanted anything yet and I said I was waiting for a friend.
A friend that took 10 minutes to get there.
I heard the door chime and looked over to see who it was.
I dropped my phone and my eyes went huge.
"No. Way." I whispered

"Oh. Hi, Y/n!"
"Hi..... kenma."
"What are you doing here?"
"Meeting a friend. You?"
"Meeting a friend"
"Oh cool"

Are you here yet?

I heard kenma's phone ding right after I sent that message
"Kenma.... what's your gamer tag?"
"Who was that message from?"
"My online friend, why?"
"What's their tag?"
"Kiss my axe"
"Apple..." I whispered "apple 3.14159?"
I got out my seat and ran to hug him
"It's you! Oh thank god it's you and not some weird 60 year old!"
"Shh. No words. You're my best friend"
"Ok." He said hugging me back
"I said no words." And I hit him gently on the back
"Oof. Let's get something to drink then"
"Yee! Mango and passion fruit iced tea!!!" I yelled
"Ok I'll go order, you stay at the table"

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